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X-ray diffraction

Post Doc Experimental Mechanics - Cambridge UK

A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, Cambridge University to work on Experimental Mechanics.

dcp5303's picture

Journal Club for February 2023: Understanding Engineering Alloy Behavior by Combining 3D X-ray Characterization and Finite Element Modeling

Darren C. Pagan a, Romain Quey b, Matthew P. Kasemer c

Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA 16802, US

Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ. Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5307 LGF, F–42023 Saint-Etienne, France

Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL 35487, US


1. Introduction

yann.charles's picture

Assistant Professor position at University Paris 13, Paris (in French)

Bonjour à tous

Un poste de maitre de conférence est ouvert au recrutement à l'université Paris 13. L'enseignement se fera à l'IUT de Saint Denis, en français.

La recherche s'effectuera au Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (LSPM), UPR 3407, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité.

Pour plus de renseignement, voir le fichier joint.

Contact : G. Dirras, dirras(at)

Xian Chen's picture

Difficulties in indexing monoclinic crystalline materials by wide angle X-ray diffraction

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For monoclinic polycrystalline materials, how can we uniquely index the X-ray diffraction spectrum so that we can calculate the accurate lattice parameters a, b, c and beta? Due to the fact that there are four unknown variables coupled to determine d-spacings, we can not easily read out the lattice parameters until enough diffraction peaks positions are obtained correctly. This leads to two questions

1. How do we get the full diffraction peaks from a monoclinic polycrystalline sample if it is partially textured?

Henry Tan's picture

Experiment 1: Crystal Structure: X - Ray Diffraction

The X-Ray diffraction technique is used to determine the crystal structure and interatomic spacing of crystallinesamples through constructive interference of reflected x-ray beams.

Bragg's Law and X-Ray diffraction data, in combination with the expressions for interatomic spacing in terms of the lattice parameter and Miller indices for acrystal, can be utilized to identify crystal structures, determine lattice constants, and locate defects within astructure.

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