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finite element

Jingjie Yeo's picture

ICCM 2024 Call for abstracts: MS-036 Mechanics of soft materials

The 15th International Conference of Computational Methods (ICCM2024) this year will be held ONLINE! We are welcoming your submissions to MS-036 Mechanics of soft materials. Deadline for submissions is 30th March. Details available HERE!


miquel.aguirre's picture

Postdoc position at CIMNE Barcelona in data-driven modelling for endovascular thrombectomy

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the project MECA-ICTUS, a 3-year project funded under the Generación de Conocimiento 2022 call of Agencia Estatal de Investigación. In MECA-ICTUS we will pursue the development of computational mechanics and machine learning tools for predicting the success of endovascular thrombectomy, an urgent intervention for the removal of thrombi in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients.

yann.charles's picture

PhD position in france : modelling of fatigue crack propagation in metallic materials weakened by hydrogen

Dear all

Please fin attached a PhD proposal for the beginning of the 2023 academic year, proposed by the Institut P' (Poitiers, France) in collaboration with the LSPM lab (University Sorbonne Paris Nord), aiming at modelling fatigue crack propagations in metallic materials under gazeous hydrogen environnement.

dcp5303's picture

Journal Club for February 2023: Understanding Engineering Alloy Behavior by Combining 3D X-ray Characterization and Finite Element Modeling

Darren C. Pagan a, Romain Quey b, Matthew P. Kasemer c

Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA 16802, US

Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ. Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5307 LGF, F–42023 Saint-Etienne, France

Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL 35487, US


1. Introduction

Georges Limbert's picture

Research Fellow position in Computational Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Southampton, UK.

Job Purpose: To make a leading research contribution to an industry-sponsored project on state-of-the-art finite element techniques to simulate needle penetration into skin working with the PI, A/Prof. Georges Limbert. You will join the national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS). In addition, you will work closely with the sponsor and contribute to the planning, writing and submission of reports and research publications.


Full Time Fixed Term for 18 months

Salary:   £31,406 to £38,587 per annum

mohammedlamine's picture

My Scientific New Paper

Hi All,

My New Scientific Paper is :

Structural Probabilistic Health Monitoring of a Potentially Damaged Bridge

Mohammed Lamine MOUSSAOUI , Mohamed CHABAAT , Abderrahmane KIBBOUA

International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research

Volume 10, No. 3, pp. 119-122, 2021


Cambridge University - Research Assistant/Associate in Mechanics of Multilattices (Theory)

A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, to conduct research into Mechanics of lattice materials. The post holder will be located in Central Cambridge Cambridgeshire, UK. There is an opportunity to invent interpenetrating lattice materials in order to design SOFT and HARD meta-materials of any given stiffness, strength and toughness. The actuation response due to seepage of a liquid through the lattice needs to be modelled by making use of experimental results from within the group.

Jinxiong Zhou's picture

Snap-back induced hysteresis in an elastic mechanical metamaterial under tension

We combine experiment and finite element simulation and come up with a design of a mechanical metamaterial which demonstrates snap-back induced hysteresis and energy dissipation. The resultant is an elastic system that can be used reversibly for many times. The underlying mechanism of existence of hysteresis and the physics of snap-back induced elastic instability is unveiled. Our results open an avenue for design and implementation of recoverable energy dissipation devices by harnessing mechanical instability.

Kmomeni's picture

PhD Positions in Multiscale Modeling of Materials Under Extreme Conditions

PhD positions are open immediately in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Labat Louisiana Tech Universityon multiscale modeling of materials under extreme conditions. This will be a collaborative project with MITGeorgia Tech, and Idaho National Labthat is supported by Department of Energy.  The candidates must have earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering or related fields (applicants with a MSc will be given priority) and have a solid background in theoretical and computational mechanics.

PhD Position (fully funded):Finite element analysis and experimental testing of blood clots and design of thrombectomy devices

Project title: Finite element analysis and experimental testing of blood clot fracture and design of thrombectomy devices to remove clots from vessels in the brain

Position: Funded PhD programme
Institute: National University of Ireland Galway
Duration: 4 years
Start date: April/May/June 2018

Post-Doctoral Position:Finite element analysis and experimental testing of blood clots and design of thrombectomy devices

Project title: Finite element analysis and experimental testing of blood clot fracture and design of thrombectomy devices to remove clots from vessels in the brain

Position: Post-doctoral Researcher
Institute: National University of Ireland Galway
Duration: 3 years
Start date: April/May 2018

A.Tabarraei's picture

PhD position in computational solid mechanics

A PhD position is available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The research project is in the multiscale modeling of damage and fracture. Candidates should have a strong background and interests in continuum mechanics and finite elements modeling. Programming experience in Fortran or C++ is a big plus. The starting date for this position is August 2018.

Jingjie Yeo's picture

International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering (IJCMSE)

As the Editorial Board member of IJCMSE, I enthusiastically welcome the high quality submissions from the community of iMechanica. The objective of the journal is the publication and wide electronic dissemination of innovative and consequential research in all aspects computational materials science and engineering, featuring the most advanced mathematical modeling and numerical methodology developments.

new postdoc opening at University of Wisconsin-Madison

We invite applications for a post-doctoral researcher position in the general area of computational design. 

Candidates with strong background in isogeometric analysis, finite element analysis, structural optimization, and/or high-performance computing are encouraged to apply.

For additional information, please contact Prof. Xiaoping Qian ( To apply, email your application files (CV, 1-page summary of research accomplishments and research interests, and 3 references).

Influence of surface tension in the surfactant-driven fracture of particulate monolayers

Dear Colleagues,

  I thought some of you may be interested in our recent paper which has been accepted to Soft Matter.  The article is available online, here:

   It contains a new model for the fracture of particulate rafts, and some new experimental results as well.  Questions are welcome. 

Calculating material jacobian matrix for ABAQUS UMAT subroutine

Hello everyone, 


I found that there is no comprehensive topic about how to calculate material jacobian matrix for UMAT while it's one of the most complicated and important parts of writing a subroutine and a lot of the researchers deal with it. 

I think it would be great if experts share their sources and experiences here for all. I personally, try to provide the basics and essential materials as well. 

Here is an essential available PDF on Imechanica:

Kmomeni's picture

PhD Position in Multiscale Modeling of Materials for Energy

A PhD position is open for summer or fall 2017 in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at Louisiana Tech University on multiscale modeling of materials for energy applications with emphasis on ferroic materials. The candidates must have earned a M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering or related fields and have a solid background in theoretical and computational mechanics, specifically continuum mechanics and finite element modeling, and need to be familiar with a programming language (preferably C/C++).

mohammedlamine's picture

Transformation Matrix


The attached file describes the development of the transformation matrix of a beam element:

dongqian's picture

postdoc position in computational mechanics

A postdoc position is available in the Computational Mechanics Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas. The research will focus on high-performance computing application in the general field of computational mechanics. The potential candidate shall have a Ph.D. degree in mechanics, mechanical engineering and related areas with emphasis on computation and simulation and integration with experiments. The project will involve extensive programming on HPC platforms.

Dincoz's picture

what is the reason for Large element deformation?

Hi my Friends,

I am doing abaqus run for a copper specimen under hydrostatic pressure. The magnetude of pressure is in order of several Giga Pascals. In my material definition, I have defined stress-strain flow up to strain of 0.4. But as you can see in attached photo, some elements show very large deformation (considerably larger than 0.4). Knowing that I have not defined stress strain behaviour for srain greater than 0.4, how this can be occure? Unfortunately, niether adaptive meshing nor element deletation were not eliminate this issue!!


Best Thanks

Finite Element Model of the Knee

Hello Everyone,

I recently started to do a project on a FE knee model. Right now, the only available software for me is SolidWorks which was originally purchased for CAD modelling. I was wondering if anyone knows whether SolidWorks FE feature is "good enough" for analyzing a knee model (and for other tissues just in case), or you recommend me to push my supervisor to purchase a license of a "Real" FE software such as ABAQUS. If you have any experience of FE modelling of tissues,bone,etc. I would appreciate if you help me out.

Development of a Biofidelic Human Head Model from MRI data

NRL-Simpleware head model


Traumatic brain injuries from head impact are a major issue across areas such as defence, automotive and sports, and can be costly to research using experimental testing. These injuries can be explored, though, through 3D models created from scan data and computer simulations.


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