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Rui Huang's picture

CISM Advanced Courses on Wrinkling

Wrinkling - Theoretical Foundation, Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling

This course is aimed at graduate students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral researchers in electronics/biomedical/mechanical/civil engineering, materials science, biophysics and applied mathematics. It is also valuable for senior scientists and engineers in academia and industry interested in the fundamental theoretical aspects of wrinkling phenomena, their numerical simulation and experimental characterization.

Joshua's picture

Magneto-thermomechanically reprogrammable mechanical metamaterials

We developed a method enabling a single material system to transform with untethered, reversible, low-powered reprogrammable deformations and shape locking via the application of magneto-thermomechanically triggered prestress on the Shape Memory Polymers (SMPs) and structural instability with asymmetric magnetic torque.

Eran Bouchbinder's picture

Bridging necking and shear-banding mediated tensile failure in glasses

The transition between necking-mediated tensile failure of glasses, at elevated temperatures

and/or low strain-rates, and shear-banding-mediated tensile failure, at low temperatures and/or

high strain-rates, is investigated using tensile experiments on metallic glasses and atomistic simula-

tions. We experimentally and simulationally show that this transition occurs through a sequence of

macroscopic failure patterns, parametrized by the ultimate tensile strength. Quantitatively analyz-

Zheng Jia's picture

Delayed tensile instabilities of hydrogels

Jie Ma, Daochen Yin, Zhi Sheng, Jian Cheng, Zheng Jia*, Teng Li, Shaoxing Qu, Delayed Tensile Instabilities of Hydrogels, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 168, 105052 (2022)

Francesco Dal Corso's picture

Mini-Symposium on "Mechanics and Physics of Structures" at ESMC2022 Galway, 4-8 July 2022 (Abstract submission EXTENDED deadline: December 17th, 2021)

We would like to invite you to participate in the Mini-Symposium on "Mechanics and Physics of Structures" within "ESMC2022 - 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference" in Galway (Ireland), July 4-8, 2022.


The EXTENDED deadline for abstract submission is December 17th, 2021.


Mini-symposium Organizers
Sebastien Neukirch (CNRS/UPMC),
Benoit Roman (CNRS/UPMC),
Keith Seffen (University of Cambridge),
Francesco Dal Corso (University of Trento)

Journal of Engineering Mechanics: Call For Papers by May 31, 2022


The Journal of Engineering Mechanics (JEM) launches a series of high-profile special issues. The first one is dedicated to “Instability and Failure of Nonclassical Materials and Nonlinear Structures”, guest edited by C.W. Lim (City University of Hong Kong), Stylianos Yiatros (Cyprus University of Technology), and Ahmer Wadee (Imperial College London). Submissions will be accepted until May 31, 2022.

For details, read the attached PDF.

Francesco Dal Corso's picture

Mini-Symposium on "Mechanics and Physics of Structures" at ESMC2022 Galway, 4-8 July 2022 (Abstract submission deadline: November 19th, 2021)

We would like to invite you to participate in the Mini-Symposium on "Mechanics and Physics of Structures" within "ESMC2022 - 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference" in Galway (Ireland), July 4-8, 2022.


The deadline for abstract submission is November 19th, 2021.


Mini-symposium Organizers
Sebastien Neukirch (CNRS/UPMC),
Benoit Roman (CNRS/UPMC),
Keith Seffen (University of Cambridge),
Francesco Dal Corso (University of Trento)

Jinxiong Zhou's picture

Snap-back induced hysteresis in an elastic mechanical metamaterial under tension

We combine experiment and finite element simulation and come up with a design of a mechanical metamaterial which demonstrates snap-back induced hysteresis and energy dissipation. The resultant is an elastic system that can be used reversibly for many times. The underlying mechanism of existence of hysteresis and the physics of snap-back induced elastic instability is unveiled. Our results open an avenue for design and implementation of recoverable energy dissipation devices by harnessing mechanical instability.

Yunwei Mao's picture

USNC/TAM 2018 mini-symposium 362: Failure and Damage in Soft Materials: From Instabilies to Cracking

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our symposium titled “362 Failure and Damage in Soft Materials: From Instabilies to Cracking” as part of the 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Northwestern University in Chicago, IL, June 4-9, 2018).

Francesco Dal Corso's picture

Mini-Symposium on "Mechanics and Physics of Solids and Structures" within ESMC2018, Bologna (Italy), July 2-6, 2018 (Abstract submission deadline: November 15th, 2017)

We would like to invite you to participate in the Mini-Symposium on "Mechanics and Physics of Solids and Structures" within "ESMC2018 - 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference" in Bologna (Italy), July 2-6, 2018.

The deadline for abstract submission is November 15th, 2017.

Mini-symposium Organizers
Sebastien Neukirch (CNRS/UPMC),
Benoit Roman (CNRS/UPMC),
Keith Seffen (University of Cambridge),
Francesco Dal Corso (University of Trento)

Davide Bigoni's picture

Elastica compass, catapult and soft robot arm

When an elastic rod with a rotating clamp behaves as a deformable compass or as a deformable catapult?

This behaviour depends on the load applied at the free end!!

Enjoy the elastica compass and the elastica catapult at

saberelarem's picture

On a systematic approach for cracked rotating shaft study: breathing mechanism, dynamics and instability

We present a systematic approach to deal with the modelling and analysis of the cracked rotating shafts behaviour. We begin by revisiting the problem of modelling the breathing mechanism of the crack. Here we consider an original approach based on the form we give to the energy of the system and then identify the mechanism parameters using 3D computations with unilateral contact conditions on the crack lips. A dimensionless flexibility is identified which makes the application of the approach to similar problems straightforward.

saberelarem's picture

Nonlinear dynamics of rotating shaft with a breathing crack - CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL PhD for 2017

Because of the increasing need of energy, the plants installed by electricity supply utilities throughout the world are becoming larger and more highly stressed. Thus, the risk of turbogenerator shaft cracking is increasing also. The development and propagation of a crack represents the most common and trivial beginning of integrity losses in engineering structures.

WaiChing Sun's picture

Call for Abstracts: 7th ICCM Berkeley - MS-054 Failure and instabilities in soft materials and geomaterials

Dear colleagues, 

I am writing to invite your contirbution to the mini-symposium on failure and instability in soft materials and geomaterials co-organized by myself, Joshua White, Pencheng Fu, Nikolaos Bouklas, Wei Wang and Christian Linder for the upcoming ICCM conference at Berkeley. More information can be found in the URL listed below.

saberelarem's picture

Nonlinear dynamics of rotating shaft with a breathing crack - CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL PhD for 2017

Because of the increasing need of energy, the plants installed by electricity supply utilities throughout the world are becoming larger and more highly stressed. Thus, the risk of turbogenerator shaft cracking is increasing also. The development and propagation of a crack represents the most common and trivial beginning of integrity losses in engineering structures.

ashutosh.agrawal's picture

Instability-driven vesicle growth in biological cells

Journal: PNAS, published ahead of print, March 9 2015, doi:10.1073/pnas.1418491112

Title: Endocytic proteins drive vesicle growth via instability in high membrane tension environment

Authors: Nikhil Walani, Jennifer Torres, and Ashutosh Agrawal 

Mike Ciavarella's picture

rate-state dependent friction in ANSYS

Dear collegues

a quick question:- I am playing with continuum models of Contact (Hertz, Westergaard and so on) and friction laws. However, I prefer for my students to use ANSYS FEM code. In Ansys there is standard Coulomb, rate-dependence but not rate-state (unless one codes some user subroutines). See

Cai Shengqiang's picture

Drying-induced cavitation in a constrained hydrogel

Cavitation can be often observed in soft materials. Most previous studies were focused on cavitation in an elastomer, which is under different mechanical loadings. In this paper, we investigate cavitation in a constrained hydrogel induced by drying. With taking account of surface tension and chemo-mechanics of gels, we calculate the free energy of the system as a function of cavity size. The free energy landscape shows double-well structure, analogous to first-order phase transition.  Above the critical humidity, a cavity inside the gel is tiny.


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