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soft robotics

Philipp Rothemund's picture

Fully funded PhD positions in Soft Robotics in Stuttgart, Germany available from September 2023

I am looking for PhD students for my newly founded research group "Soft Robotics for Autonomous Systems" at the University of Stuttgart. The positions are fully funded and include German social security and health care benefits. More information can be found in the attached pdf.

giulia scalet's picture

Research fellow position in mechanics of smart polymers for soft robotics

A research fellow position is available at University of Pavia in Italy starting February-May 2023. The position is part of a project in collaboration with Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Prof. Giulia Scalet (

Xiaoyue Ni's picture

Multiple Positions on Robotic Metamaterials and Flexible Electronics at Duke University

My lab is looking for strongly motivated Ph.D. students and Postdocs to join our group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science at Duke University. We conduct research on human-centered materials intelligence through a combination of flexible electronics, robotic metamaterials, and artificial intelligence. Two positions are available immediately. 


Position 1: The project will focus on the design, fabrication, and testing of robotic mechanical metamaterials.

Postdoc in fluid-induced instabilities of multistable structures

Are you interested in elastic instabilities, slender structures, and fluid-structure interactions at low Reynolds numbers?

Do you want to develop the next generation of passive control valves in smart fluidic channels?

Then the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering invites you to apply for a 2-year postdoc position.

Expected start date and duration of employment

This is a 2–year position from 01.01.2023 or as soon as possible.

Job description

Joshua's picture

Postdoc at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

S-Lab ( is looking for a highly qualified postdoc to work in mechanical metamaterials, 4D printing, and soft robotics.

zichen's picture

Research intern/postdoc positions at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Research intern and postdoctoral positions on biomechanics, bioinspired robotics, mechanical metamaterials, and/or PPE innovation are available at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Candidates with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Physics, Biomedical Engineering (or any related field) with strong publication records (for those with PhD) are encouraged to submit a full CV, a cover letter stating research experience and interests, and the contact information of three references to Dr. Zi Chen at zchen33(at)

Ahmad Rafsanjani's picture

PhD and Postdoc Positions in Soft Robotics

We have two fully-funded positions at the Center for Soft Robotics at the University of Southern Denmark based in Odense.

PhD student (Soft Robotics & Art, 3 years):
Contact: Jonas Jørgensen (

Postdoc (Soft Robotics, 18 months) :
Contact: Ahmad Rafsanjani (

The deadline for submitting online applications is February 28, 2021.

Jie. Yin's picture

Immediate Postdoc Position in Soft Robotics at NCSU

Applications are invited for an immediate postdoctoral associate opening in the broad area of soft robotics in the Applied Mechanics of Materials Lab of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, US.

This project will focus on bioinspired multifunctional high-performance soft robots in manipulation and locomotion.   

Ahmad Rafsanjani's picture

Postdoc Position in Soft Robotics at SDU Biorobotics

The University of Southern Denmark invites applications from qualified doctoral graduates for a 3-year postdoc position in the field of Soft Robotics.

The application deadline is 14th June, 2020 | Apply Online

zichen's picture

Two postdoc positions in solid mechanics/mechanical metamaterials/soft robotics/biomechanics

The Chen lab at Dartmouth is looking for two postdocts in solid mechanics/mechanical metamaterials/soft robotics/biomechanics areas with an expected start date after 7/1/2020.

Markus Henke's picture

2 PhD positions in dielectric elastomers in Dresden, Germany available from June 2020

For my new junior research group "MEiTNER - Multifunctional dielectric elastomer electronics for next generation soft robotics", I am searching for two PhD candidates at TU Dresden. The possitions come with full salary and all German social security. 

ChangyongCao's picture

Postdoc Position in Soft Electronics and Robotics at Michigan State University

The Laboratory for Soft Machines & Electronics ( at the MSU has one postdoc associate opening in the areas of soft materials and machines. The research work is expected to be highly multi-disciplinary, and the specific topics includes: Smart materials and structures, Soft robotics, Artificial skins; Energy harvesters, Wearable Electronics, Machine Learning, etc. This position is available immediately.

Patrick Onck's picture

PhD position available: "Computational Design of Soft Robots"

I have a vacancy with my colleague Prof. Verstappen at the University of Groningen for a PhD student to work on the computational design of magnetically-driven soft robots (see details in the attached description). Candidates preferably have hands-on experience with finite element development and implementation. If you are interested, please send a CV before March 21 at


zhaoqin's picture

Mini-symposium "3D Micro/Nano-Architectures Based On Low-Dimensional Materials" SES 2020 at Minneapolis

We are excited by organizing a mini-symposium on 3D Micro/Nano-Architectures Based On Low-Dimensional Materials at the coming Society of Engineering Science (SES) 57th Annual Technical Meeting. More details about the mini-symposium are given below. We are posting this announcement to welcome submitting relevant abstracts to our mini-symposium. The submission is now open and more information on abstract submissions can be found on 2020 SES website with a submission deadline of March 17, 2020. Thank you for your contribution and I am looking forward to seeing you at 2020 SES at Minneapolis.

OliverWeeger's picture

Postdoc in computational mechanics & topology optimization at SUTD in Singapore

We invite applications for Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions with the Bio-inspired Robotics & Design Laboratory ( at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

The project will investigate modelling, simulation and optimisation of soft robots and structures using computational mechanics.
Research areas include: structural and morphological optimisation and multi-physics optimisation. 

zichen's picture

A Remotely Controlled Transformable Soft Robot Based on Engineered Cardiac Tissue Construct

Many living organisms undergo conspicuous or abrupt changes in body structure, which is often accompanied by a behavioral change. Inspired by the natural metamorphosis, robotic systems can be designed as reconfigurable to be multifunctional. Here, a tissue-engineered transformable robot is developed, which can be remotely controlled to assume different mechanical structures for switching locomotive function.

Zhijian Wang's picture

A light-powered ultralight tensegrity robot with high deformability and load capacity

In our recent work, we construct a hybrid light-powered tensegrity robot composed of both hard and soft materials. The tensegrity robot shows great scalability, deployability, impact-mitigation capability, high load capacity, and can be precisely controlled to move on multiterrains. It is an example of combining interesting structures and interesting actuating materials in soft robotics.

The moving path of tensegrity robot in a maze

Soft wall-climbing robots

Soft wall-climbing robots

Guoying Gu, Jiang Zou, Ruike Zhao, Xuanhe Zhao and Xiangyang Zhu

Science Robotics, 2018, Vol. 3, Issue 25, eaat2874


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