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artificial muscles

Markus Henke's picture

2 PhD positions in dielectric elastomers in Dresden, Germany available from June 2020

For my new junior research group "MEiTNER - Multifunctional dielectric elastomer electronics for next generation soft robotics", I am searching for two PhD candidates at TU Dresden. The possitions come with full salary and all German social security. 

Jingjie Yeo's picture

Advancing the frontiers of silk fibroin protein-based materials for futuristic electronics and clinical wound-healing (Invited review) The present review will introduce the basic concepts of silk-based electronics/optoelectronics including the latest technological advances on the use of silk fibroin in combination with other functional components, with an emphasis on improving the performance of next-generation silk-based materials. It also highlights the patterning of silk fibroin to produce micro/nano-scale features, as well as the functionalization of silk fibroin to impart antimicrobial (i.e. antibacterial) properties.

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