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Postdoc in computational mechanics & topology optimization at SUTD in Singapore

OliverWeeger's picture

We invite applications for Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions with the Bio-inspired Robotics & Design Laboratory ( at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

The project will investigate modelling, simulation and optimisation of soft robots and structures using computational mechanics.
Research areas include: structural and morphological optimisation and multi-physics optimisation. 

Applicants should have a PhD in Mechanical, Structural or Computational Engineering or a related discipline and proven experience in computational methods (e.g., finite element method, topology optimization, multi-scale or multi-physics simulation) and continuum mechanics (e.g., statics, dynamics, nonlinear mechanics, constitutive modelling). Strong programming skills are required, preferably in C++. Candidates should have the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team and have interest in soft robotics applications, but no previous knowledge in that domain is required.

The positions offer highly competitive salaries and benefits. Applications consisting of a single PDF file containing a cover letter, CV, and a sample publication can be sent to Assist. Prof. Dr. Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado (


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