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materials science

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Short Course: Machine Learning for Materials Informatics (Jul 29 - Aug 2, 2024)

Dera iMechanica Community,

Below is information about a short course I will be offering at MIT this summer, in Live Virtual format: Machine Learning for Materials Informatics (Jul 29 - Aug 2, 2024).  This is an exciting opportunity that will cover fundamentals and applications in the emerging space of AI/ML for engineering, featuring hands-on interactive code development in Jupyter notebooks. We'll do a deep dive into all critical tools from autoencoders to graph neural nets to multimodal LLMs and multi-agent modeling. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Xiaoyue Ni's picture

Multiple Positions on Robotic Metamaterials and Flexible Electronics at Duke University

My lab is looking for strongly motivated Ph.D. students and Postdocs to join our group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science at Duke University. We conduct research on human-centered materials intelligence through a combination of flexible electronics, robotic metamaterials, and artificial intelligence. Two positions are available immediately. 


Position 1: The project will focus on the design, fabrication, and testing of robotic mechanical metamaterials.

Two Tenure-track Assistant / Associate Professor Positions in the field of Mechanics and Materials at Aarhus University

The Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) at Aarhus University is expanding its research and teaching activities in the field of “Materials Engineering” and invites applications for two Tenure-track Assistant / Associate Professor position within the Section of “Mechanics and Materials”.

Dr. Hanaor - Department of Ceramic Materials - TU Berlin's picture

Freeze casting of novel materials

Freeze casting presents exciting new avenues towards high performance materials with aligned pore structures.

Bone scaffolds, highly elastic composites and nacre mimetic materials can all be produced by means of freeze casting methods. 

This comprehensive review presents recent development in terms of materials and processing



Eight fully funded Master positions in Computational Mechanics and Materials Science at CEMEF (Mines ParisTech & PSL University)

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Eight fully funded positions open for the "Digital Materials and Advanced Processes Modelling (MAPMOD)" Master.

MAPMOD is a one-year full-time postgraduated programme in line with industrial needs for high level competences in high added value components or equipment manufacturing in fields such as aeronautics, energy, automotive.

The funding covers tuition fees and partial support of living expenses.

vh's picture

Novelis and Georgia Tech Establish Novelis Innovation Hub

Atlanta-based Novelis Inc. and Georgia Tech have announced a new collaboration to establish the Novelis Innovation Hub at Georgia Tech. The company has committed $2.5 million to initiate research, faculty, student, and educational program support. The collaboration will promote basic and translational research, innovative business models, and related educational endeavors at Georgia Tech and will serve as a cross-functional hub connecting Novelis’ technical and business innovators with Georgia Tech’s students and faculty.


marco.paggi's picture

PhD positions at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy

Dear Mechanician,

we are searching for excellent PhD candidates for the next 3-yrs PhD programme in Systems Science (Track Computer Science and Systems Engineering, research unit MUSAM on Multi-scale Analysis of Materials) of the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Lucca, Tuscany, Italy) to work on an interdisciplinary research topic across computational mechanics, materials science, optimization, and high-performance computing.

Deadline: August 3rd 2018 at 12.00pm (CEST)

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Employment Opportunity for an Associate Program Director Position, National Science Foundation

CMMI 18-003Dear Colleague Letter: Directorate for Engineering (ENG), Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) - Employment Opportunity for an Associate Program Director Position (Open Until Filled) 

February 20, 2018

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), within the Directorate for Engineering (ENG), at the National Science Foundation, announces a nationwide search to fill an Associate Program Director position.

Centre for Advanced Materials's picture

12 PhD and 2 Postdoctoral Research Associate positions in materials science

The Centre for Advanced Materials (Zentrum für Hochleistungsmaterialien – ZHM) is a joint institution in Hamburg, Germany, bringing together scientists from universities and non-university research organizations in the area of materials science and technology.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Modeling Materials Short Course in Erlangen, Germany



Five-day short course on the fundamentals of continuum, atomistic and multiscale modeling of materials.


Prof. Ellad B. Tadmor (U. Minnesota, USA) and Prof. Ronald E. Miller (Carleton University, Canada).


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU), Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany


Announcing Wear of Materials 2015 - Website has just gone live

20th International Conference on Wear of Materials
12-16 April 2015
The Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Canada

The 20th International Conference on Wear of Materials will focus on both the fundamental and applied aspects of wear and friction of materials at the macro-, micro-, and nano-scale. It will address the understanding of tribological phenomena; particularly the progress in recent decades and a special session will concentrate on modeling of wear.

MMAEatIIT's picture

Faculty position in computational materials science and engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology

Applications are invited for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level in the area of computational materials science and engineering. Candidates from a range of disciplines such as materials science, chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering are all welcome to apply.


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