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BIKASH's picture

Call for Book chapters to be published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group)

We are inviting chapters for our proposed book on “Smart Technologies for Improved Performance of Manufacturing Systems and Services”.


To be published by CRC Press (Taylor n Francis Group), USA; Book series: Advances in Intelligent Decision-Making, Systems Engineering, and Project Management.


Associate Professor in Sustainable Design & Manufacturing, Aarhus University, Denmark

The Department of Engineering (ENG) at Aarhus University is looking for an innovative and visionary Associate Professor in the Section of Mechanical Engineering. Aarhus University is a top-100 university and has made ambitious strategic investments to place ENG in direct competition with the global engineering elite. Therefore, the department is focusing on advancing its research and teaching capabilities in the area of sustainable design & manufacturing.

PhD vacancy (3 years) on mechanical testing of recyclable vitrimer composites

Vitrimers are a groundbreaking development in polymer chemistry. This new class of polymers is neither thermoset, nor thermoplastic, but inherits properties from both polymer classes. Vitrimers were "invented" by Prof. Leibler in Paris in 2011 (

MMAEatIIT's picture

Faculty position at Illinois Institute of Technology in mechanics/manufacturing/materials

The Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering (MMAE) Department at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor position.

Programme announced for 8th International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis (ICEFA2018)

<p>The 8th International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis will be held 8-11 July 2018, Budapest, Hungary. We are pleased to announce the oral programme is available to view and download at - the ICEFA2018 conference will bring together world-class researchers, users and specialists involved in all aspects of failure analysis and prevention from the fields of mechanical, manufacturing, aeronautical, civil, chemical, corrosion and design engineering.

ChangyongCao's picture

Faculty Position in Packaging Innovation, Design and Additive Manufacturing

The Michigan State University (MSU) School of Packaging invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in the area of Packaging Innovation, Design and Additive Manufacturing. The appoint will be at the assistant professor level with a combined research/teaching/service responsibility. Review of applications will begin on February 1, 2018 and will continue until the position is filled.

Ying Li's picture

Faculty Positions in Mechanical Engineering at University of Connecticut

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut is growing the faculty to develop existing strengths of the department and expand in exciting new directions. This year, the department invites applications for multiple tenure-track or tenured faculty positions focused on developing innovative material systems, mathematical and computer modeling, as well as analysis and fabrication approaches in support of advanced and digital manufacturing, and with a strong emphasis on scientific rigor.

Baoxing Xu's picture

[Call For Abstracts]: 2017 SES symposium on "Mechanics-Driven Manufacturing of Functional Structures"

Dear colleagues and friends,

Please consider submitting abstract (s) to the Symposium on "Mechanics-Driven Manufacturing of Functional Structures" at the 2017 SES meeting, under Track IX: Advanced Manufacturing.

Deadline of abstract submission: April 15, 2017.


Topics of interest include:

(1) Mechanics-driven manufacturing approaches (e.g. self-assembly, rapid evaporation and sublimation, transfer printing, crack/buckling/delamination /collapse -driven templating)

University of California, Santa Barbara - Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions in Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor.  

The Department is looking for exceptional individuals in all areas of mechanical engineering, with particular emphasis on i) soft robotics, including soft body design and mechanics, sensing and actuation, and ii) micro/nano science and technology, including micro/nano additive manufacturing, micro/nano robotics, and micro/nano energy sensing and heat transfer. 

danial_faghihi's picture

IMECE 2015 Symposium: Modeling and experimental characterization for the behavior of the micro/nanostructured thin films

 We would like to invite you to participate in a symposium on “Modeling and experimental characterization for the behavior of the micro/nanostructured thin films” in ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
November 13 – 19, 2015 
Houston, Texas. The deadline for abstract submission is March 2, 2015.


Danial Faghihi, Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences,UT Austin

Yannis Korkolis's picture

McMAT 2015 symposium on materials and manufacturing

We would like to invite your contribution to Symposium #18: “Experiments and Constitutive Modelling of Materials in Advanced Forming Processes” in the upcoming ASME 2015 Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, McMAT2015, to be held in Seattle on June 29-July 1, 2015.

Wenbin Yu's picture

cdmHUB: Publish and Run Composites Simulation Tools In the Cloud

We recently launched the Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB (, a community-driven, collaborative platform that has the unique capability to let users to freely publish and run simulation codes in the cloud in addition to all the social network functionalities (blogging, questions/answers, groups, etc.).

pholiv's picture

1 year post-doc composites materials - thermal behaviour - ICA - Univ. of Toulouse

The Composites Material and Structures Group of Institut Clement Ader ( invites applications for a position in simulation of the thermal behaviour of composites materials at the postdoctoral research associate level.

11th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management GCMM 2012

Dear Colleagues

This is a gentle reminder that the final date for submission of abstracts to the

11th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management GCMM 2012

has been extended to 31 March 2012.

You are cordially invited to submit a paper and be a part of this event.

Chris W Smith's picture

Chair in Low Carbon Aerospace Manufacturing

Chair in Low Carbon Manufacturing, University of Exeter.

The University of Exeter is seeking a full Professor in the field of Low Carbon Manufacturing.

The University is significantly expanding its capacity in Science and Engineering, with 275 million
GBP (approx 440M USD) capital spend on campus and 80M GBP (130M USD) on new academic staff.

American Engineering Group LLC's picture

Challenges in the finite element analysis of tire design using abaqus

Finite Element Analysis of Vehicle and Tire has become a very important aspect of a tire design and failure analysis to most Tire companies. Tire modeling with ABAQUS is a very complicated process involving complex materials like hyperelastic rubber and textile reinforcements, large model size, prolonged simulation time and various convergence issues. This white paper intends to help in understanding the challenges in tire analysis and several tips and tricks that makes a difference in the quality of the results and processing time.

kiran kumar kabotu's picture

conventional turning operration

i what matlab programing  for modeling of conventional turning forces (fx,fy,fz) predictions

I am looking for PhD position in Composite Materials

Hi Friends,

Iam looking for PhD positions in Composites Mechanics and Manufacturing area.

If you happen to know any information, kindly convey it to me.

Please find my Resume attached for your information.


Thanks and Regards,

Thiyagarajan Dev,



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