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jansen's picture

Postdoc position in computational analysis of polymer nanocomposites at Leibniz Universität Hannover

At Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute of Structural Analysis, a postdoc position in the field of computational analysis of polymer nanocomposites is available from now. The initial contract will be granted for two years, a further extension is intended in order to facilitate a habilitation.

You will be heading the research group on nanocomposites. A good knowledge of the German language is a strong asset. More information can be found on

Rouzbeh1's picture

Post-Doctoral Associate/Research Scientist Position in Advanced Materials at Rice University


Position Description: 

A postdoctoral associate/research scientist position in the area of advanced synthesis and characterization of materials and nanocomposites is available at Rice University. The successful candidates will work in a highly inter-disciplinary and stimulating environment.


Job Duties and Responsibilities: 

jansen's picture

Postdoc position in computational analysis of polymer nanocomposites at Leibniz Universität Hannover

At Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute of Structural Analysis, a postdoc position in the field of computational analysis of polymer nanocomposites is available from now. The initial contract will be granted for two years, a further extension is intended in order to facilitate a habilitation.

harrison_hanfei's picture

A Post-Doctoral Position at KAUST in Computational Modeling for Nano-composites

The Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) invites applications for a Postdoctoral fellow in Mechanical Engineering at the Composite and Heterogeneous Material Analysis and Simulation Laboratory (COHMAS, 


Job description's picture

Fourth International Conference of Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites (ICNN4)

The 4th edition of the International Conference of Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites (ICNN)  will be held in Vicenza from 14th to 17th of September 2016.

Justin Dirrenberger's picture

PhD position available in Computational Mechanics of Materials @ Arts et Métiers-ParisTech

A PhD scholarship is available at Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech) to work on the computational mechanics of crystalline polymers.

See the file attached for description.

This project is conducted in collaboration with the Centre for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies / Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz, Poland.

swcranford's picture

Call for Abstracts; EMI 2015 Stanford

Dear colleagues,

I invite you to submit an abstract to the following minisymposium: Modeling and Characterization of Nanocomposites and Molecular Heterostructures as part of the Engineering Mechanics Institute annual conference at Stanford University.


Best Regards,

Steven Cranford

Northeastern University


MS 12: Modeling and Characterization of Nanocomposites and Molecular Heterostructures

Multiscale modeling of nanocomposites

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Hello folks

I am interested in doing multiscale modeling of nano-composites but don't know much about the field.
Can someone help me from where to begin and what text to refer.



How to plot Fracture toughness vs Crack length in Abaqus for Delamination problem

I've modelled a DCB specimen and applied Boundary conditions and load... I followed the same procedures given in abaqus documentation... As expected the crack initiates and propagates along the interface... I can get the Resultant force vs displacement plot from the analysis.. But i dont know how to plot the fracture toughness vs crack length plot in ABAQUS..

Please help me... Your suggestion would really help me a lot..

drgaurav's picture

Journal of Multifunctional Composites (JMC) – accepting manuscript submissions for 2013

The Journal of Multifunctional Composites is accepting manuscripts for publication in 2013. Please click on the URL below to read more about the journal and its aims and scope. Articles belonging to the first issue will start appearing online in January 2013. Three issues are planned for 2013 (April, July, and October).

Gaurav Nilakantan
Journal of Multifunctional Composites

Md Ershadul Alam's picture

Looking for a "Postdoc" position on Light weight materials, Nanocomposites, Lead-free solder materials, Electronic Materials etc

Dear All:

Greetings. I’m Dr. Md Ershadul Alam, got PhD from National University of Singapore (NUS) in Materials Science of Mechanical Engineering Department in 2010. Currently I’m working at Qatar University, Qatar in a collaborative project (with NUS) titled: “Development of Lightweight Magnesium based nanocomposites”.

cbrinson's picture

Postdoc Position in Advanced Materials Lab, Northwestern University

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in Brinson’s Advanced Materials Lab involving collaborative work on finite element modeling of nanostructured polymer composites. The majority of the work will be split across two projects on the subject.  The first project involves 3D modeling of filled elastomers, with a focus on the viscoelastic properties. Non-linear viscoelastic modeling experience is a plus, but not required.

Looking for reviewers to review an article on synthesis and analysis of aminothiazoles dye and its metal complexes

Hi All,


The below-referenced paper is submitted for publication in Smart Nanocomposites Journal. I am currently looking for reviewers and through this blog, I am extending an invitation to review the article (title below):


Title of the Manuscript: Synthesis of 2-aminothiazoles dye and its metal
complexes as agents for organic/inorganic heterojunction

A.Tabarraei's picture

Ph.D. Positions in Computational Solid Mechanics

Fully funded Ph.D. positions are available in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Science at the University of North
Carolina at Charlotte. The research focus will be on developing and using multiscale methods for modeling nanocomposites and nanomaterials. Candidates should have a BS or MS degree in
mechanical engineering, material science, civil engineering or other related
areas. Computational experience at the continuum or molecular level is
preferred but is not necessary.  Interested
candidates please send a CV to

Michael A. McCarthy's picture

Seeking postdoctoral researcher - Molecular Dynamics of CNT-nanocomposites

The Irish Research Council ( has a funding scheme for postdoctoral researchers. I am seeking someone to submit an application to IRCSET to obtain funding to work within my group, in Modelling of CNT-based nanocomposites. The chances of success are high for candidates with a good research record. The deadline for applications is December 8th.

Chris W Smith's picture

Nancomposite textbook for undergrads ? recommend me one.

Dear All,

I've got to start teaching a masters level programme on nanocomposites, well 7 lectures worth of one anyway. It will serve as an introduction to NCs and briefly review the current stat of the art.

I would like opinions on textbooks to accompany such a module.

Any of you had any good experiences with any particular books ?




Relation between particle size and debonding stress

Hi everybody,

do you know where I can find some informations about the relation

between particle size and critical normal stress at the interface particle /matrix

for a particle embedded in a matrix?

I read the Chen's article 'Size effect of particles on the damage dissipation in nanocomposites'

but this article deals with spherical particles. I am studying clay/matrix nanocomposites and I would like to

calculate the relation between clay size and debonding stress.




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