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New AI + Metamaterials postdoc position

We are seeking a creative and enthusiastic postdoc to work at Duke University as part of a collaborative DOE funded project entitled "FAIR Data and Interpretable AI Framework for Architectured Metamaterials". Candidate should have phd in mechanical or materials engineering, with experience in mechanical metamaterials, the underlying physical principles, finite element simulations, and preferably some knowledge of AI/ML and desire to learn more.

cbrinson's picture

New AI + Metamaterials postdoc position

We are seeking a creative and enthusiastic postdoc to work at Duke University as part of a collaborative new DOE funded project entitled "FAIR Data and Interpretable AI Framework for Architectured Metamaterials". Candidate should have phd in mechanical or materials engineering, with experience in mechanical metamaterials, the underlying physical principles, finite element simulations, and preferably some knowledge of AI/ML and desire to learn more.

cbrinson's picture

Associate Professor Position in High Performance Computational Methods at Northwestern

Applicants are invited to apply for a tenure track faculty position in Mechanical Engineering at the Associate Professor level in computational science and engineering at Northwestern University.  Higher level appointments will be considered under special qualifications. Candidates are expected to demonstrate strong skills in leadership and a commitment to collaboration and teaching in the graduate and undergraduate programs of the McCormick School of Engineering.

cbrinson's picture

Postdoc Position in Advanced Materials Lab, Northwestern University

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in Brinson’s Advanced Materials Lab involving collaborative work on finite element modeling of nanostructured polymer composites. The majority of the work will be split across two projects on the subject.  The first project involves 3D modeling of filled elastomers, with a focus on the viscoelastic properties. Non-linear viscoelastic modeling experience is a plus, but not required.

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New Book on Polymers and Viscoelasticity

I wish to inform the imechanica community about my recent book,  Polymer Engineering Science and Viscoelasticity, Springer, 2008. THe book starts at the beginning and contains both the physics of polymers and the mathematics of viscoelasticity. It is also unique in the history of mechanics in being the (first ever?) father-daughter book. Those interested in polymer mechanics may find this a useful resource! It may be found in your library or further information can be found here

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