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Sung Hoon Kang's picture

[Call for Abstracts] 2021 APS March Meeting (virtual, March 15-19) 02.01.15 Physics of Bio-Inspired Materials (Due: October 23, 2020)

Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a focus session on "02.01.15 Physics of Bio-Inspired Materials (DSOFT, DBIO, DPOLY) [same as 04.01.42, 01.01.54]" for the 2021 American Physical Society Meeting (March 15-19), which will be an online meeting. This session covers most of the classical and emerging research topics of bio-inspired materials.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Three Ph.D. Positions in Computational Atomistic Modeling

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg is inviting applications for three doctoral research positions to begin immediately. The successful applicants will work together with Prof.

mesarovic's picture

deadline for financial aid for the CISM summer course on Mesoscale models

This is a reminder that the deadline to apply for the financial aid for the summer course in Udine is approaching:  March 22. 


Short course at Centre International de Sciences Mechanique (CISM), Udine.

May 22-26, 2017

Lecturers:  S Forest, I Groma, D McDowell, S Mesarovic, J-N Roux, H Zbib

The flyer is attached.  Register at: 

Timothy Truster's picture

Invitation for Abstracts: Interface Mechanics Symposium at EMI 2016 (Vanderbilt)

Dear Colleagues

I would like to make you aware of a minisymposium on the mechanics of interfaces being organized for the 2016 EMI-PMC conference at Vanderbilt University, May 22-25, 2016:

MS 17: Modeling the Mechanics of Material Surfaces and Interfaces 

Timothy Truster's picture

Invitation for Abstracts: Interface Mechanics Symposium at EMI 2016 (Vanderbilt)

Dear Colleagues

I would like to make you aware of a minisymposium on the mechanics of interfaces being organized for the 2016 EMI-PMC conference at Vanderbilt University, May 22-25, 2016:

MS 17: Modeling the Mechanics of Material Surfaces and Interfaces 

ESIS's picture

Discussion of fracture paper #9 - Crack tip modelling

Dear Reader, 

I recently took over as the ESIS blog editor. Being the second in this baton relay, I will do my best to live up to the good reader expectations that has been established by my precursor, who is also one of the instigators of the blog, Wolfgang Brock. 

Rui Huang's picture

Journal Club Theme of March 2013: Interfacial Adhesion of Graphene - Measurements and Analysis

Several recent papers have reported measurements of adhesion energy between graphene and other materials (e.g., Si/SiOx and copper) [1-3]. Like thin films, many experimental methods may be adopted to measure the interfacial properties of graphene, such as the pressurized blister test [2] and the double-cantilever beam test [3]. The challenges lie in the handling of atomically thin membranes and analysis/interpretation of the data.

hasanzhong's picture

Finite Element Analysis of the Indentation-Induced Delamination of Bi-Layer Structures

Delivered by Ingenta to:
University of Southern California
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Sun, 29 Jul 2012 00:05:58
Contact deformation can cause local damage of mechanical structures and lead to structural failure
of mechanical devices. In this work, we use the finite element method to analyze the indentation-
induced delamination of a film-substrate structure and the critical tensile stress as the criterion to
determine local delamination on the interface between the film and the substrate. The simulation

interface element with two Hexaeders

the red part is the interface element

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Finite Element Modeling On Polymer Nanocomposite with Clay Nanofiller

I'm doing Mtech project on Finite Element Modeling On Polymer Nanocomposite with Clay Nanofiller.  For that am using ABAQUS software,  so i need some information regarding that ABAQUS software, how to do finite element modeling of nanocomposites with nanofiller and How to prepare a code distrubution in the plate like particales in the polymer matrix with ABAQUS software. So please can any give information.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc position at MIT: Thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites

A postdoctoral associate position at MIT is available immediately,
focused on the analysis and development of multifunctional thermal
management structures, by using theoretical and atomistic multiscale
modeling and simulation. This project specifically involves calculations
of thermal and mechanical properties of graphene based metal- and
polymer nanocomposites, with a focus on various aspects such as
interfacial transport properties, tunability, mutability and phonon
engineering. Additional aspects of the project relate to the general

Laurent Champaney's picture

cohesive zone modeling of interface fracture : comparisons


(for completing R. Huang's post : node/7396).

A  few years ago, some colleages (from Italy, UK and Brazil) and I proposed some comparisons of the behavior of cohesize zone models. This was presented during ECCM 2004. The paper is attached.

Venkat Bharath's picture

Cohesive behaviour for Interaction in Abaqus Explicit at the interface of materials

I am working on effects of Blast Loading in sandwich composites using Abaqus. I want to incorporate Cohesive behaviour at the interface of the two materials in the sandwich composite structure i am analysing.

Relation between particle size and debonding stress

Hi everybody,

do you know where I can find some informations about the relation

between particle size and critical normal stress at the interface particle /matrix

for a particle embedded in a matrix?

I read the Chen's article 'Size effect of particles on the damage dissipation in nanocomposites'

but this article deals with spherical particles. I am studying clay/matrix nanocomposites and I would like to

calculate the relation between clay size and debonding stress.



Finite element modelling fracture mechanics of polymer/clay nanocomposites

I am Cecilia. In 2007 I graduated in mechanical engineering at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy).

During the degree courses I took several classes on structural mechanics, including, Mechanics of Composite Materials,

Fracture Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis (with Ansys and Abaqus).

Now I am a PHD student at the Univesity of Cagliari and this is the aim of my research:

Finite element modelling of polymer-clays nanocomposites with

Gouse's picture

Effect of interface


I am simulating failure of concrete in tension and compression on a concrete representative element volume. I have modeled mortar matrix and aggregate (inclusion) separately i.e my model consists of two material and assumed them as perfectly bonded. My question is, if I add interface zone between matrix and inclusion how will it effect my overall failre or can I neglect inerface.

With Warm Regards


Rui Huang's picture

Influence of Interfacial Delamination on Channel Cracking of Brittle Thin Films

H. Mei, Y. Pang, and R. Huang, International Journal of Fracture 148, 331-342 (2007).

Following a previous effort published in MRS Proceedings, we wrote a journal article of the same title, with more numerical results. While the main conclusions stay the same, a few subtle points are noted in this paper.

Henry Tan's picture

interface cohesive energy

Many people here are interested in the behaviours of interfaces.

I am interested in having a list of the cohesive energy for interfaces between different materials, such as polymer/ceramics, polymer/metals, polymer/polymer, metals/ceramics, biological interfaces, carbon nanotube/polymer matrix, etc.

So, what is the magnitude of the cohesive energy per unit area of the interface you are studying?

Bent F. Sørensen's picture

Time for registration for "Interface Design of Polymer Matrix Composites - Mechanics, Chemistry, Modelling and Manufacturing"

The programme for the 28th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science has now been finalized (see ).

 The Symposium is held at Risø National Laboratory, The Technical University of Denmark, 3-6 September 2007. 

 To sign up for the conference, please register up via the Symposium homepage:  


Journal Club Theme of July 2007: Mechanics of Hydrogels

Before we start this issue of J-club, I would like to recommend Prof. Langer's lecture for his MRS Von Hippel Award in the 2005 MRS Fall Meeting (Langer, 2006). His lecture not only delineated the history of the new exciting field of drug delivery and controlled release, but also told us many interesting stories happened in his career development. With Prof. Langer's pioneer work, many new materials are developed for designing new drug delivery and controlled drug release systems.

State-of-the-art understanding of cracking for porous materials?

It seems there are quite a few experimental studies [1,2] on the fracture properties of porous materials, like nanoporous low-k dielectrics, as a function of porosity. Can anyone point out some references on the theoretical part, like the available models, computational methods or analytical approaches that can capture microstructure information, including porosity, pore geometry etc. Interface delamination of porous materials is also of interest. Thanks.

Strain energy release rate of beam specimen using J-integral

Hi All,

Are there any good references showing the detailed derivations of elastic strain energy release rate using J-integral instead of differentiating compliance for end notch beam samples : DCB, 3/4 point bend ...? many thanks ...


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