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Sung Hoon Kang's picture

[Call for Abstracts] 2021 APS March Meeting (virtual, March 15-19) 02.01.15 Physics of Bio-Inspired Materials (Due: October 23, 2020)

Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a focus session on "02.01.15 Physics of Bio-Inspired Materials (DSOFT, DBIO, DPOLY) [same as 04.01.42, 01.01.54]" for the 2021 American Physical Society Meeting (March 15-19), which will be an online meeting. This session covers most of the classical and emerging research topics of bio-inspired materials.

Fan Xu's picture

Intricate evolutions of multiple-period post-buckling patterns in bilayers

Surface instability of compliant film/substrate bilayers has raised considerable interests due to its broad applications such as wrinkle-driven surface renewal and antifouling, shape-morphing for camouflaging skins, and micro/nano-scale surface patterning control. However, it is still a challenge to precisely predict and continuously trace secondary bifurcation transitions in the nonlinear post-buckling region. Here, we develop lattice models to precisely capture the nonlinear morphology evolution with multiple mode transitions that occur in the film/substrate systems.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc position available at MIT / bioinspired thermal management

A postdoctoral associate position at MIT is available immediately, focused on the analysis and development of bioinspired, adaptive thermal management structures, by using theoretical and atomistic multi-scale modeling and simulation.

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