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Dr. Hanaor - Department of Ceramic Materials - TU Berlin's picture

Improved oxidation resistance of high emissivity coatings on fibrous ceramic for reusable space systems

Towards the development of reusable space systems, high emissivity coatings on fibrous ceramic substrates with improved thermal resistance are needed. In this study WSi2–MoSi2–Si–SiB6-borosilicate glass coatings were prepared on fibrous ZrO2 by slurry dipping and subsequent high temperature rapid sintering. A coating with 20 wt% WSi2 and 50 wt% MoSi2 presents optimal thermal stability with only 10.06 mg/cm2 mass loss and 4.0% emissivity decrease in the wavelength regime 1.27–1.73 μm after 50 h oxidation at 1773 K. The advantages of double phase metal-silicide coatings combining WSi2 and MoSi2 include improved thermal compatibility with the substrate and an enhanced glass-mediated self-healing ability.

Jingjie Yeo's picture

Multiscale Design of Graphyne‐Based Materials for High‐Performance Separation Membranes Computational modeling and simulations play an integral role in the bottom‐up design and characterization of graph‐n‐yne materials. Here, the state of the art in modeling α‐, β‐, γ‐, δ‐, and 6,6,12‐graphyne nanosheets for synthesizing graph‐2‐yne materials and 3D architectures thereof is discussed.

Jingjie Yeo's picture

Silica Aerogels: A Review of Molecular Dynamics Modelling and Characterization of the Structural, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties The second volume of the Handbook of Materials Modeling is now online: We reviewed the development of new empirical molecular dynamics forcefields, novel methods of generating aerogels’ percolated backbones, and compelling algorithms for characterizing their structural, mechanical, and thermal

UC Santa Barbara Mechanical Engineering Faculty Positions

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites applications for two full-time faculty positions with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2017, or later. The Department is looking for exceptional individuals in all core areas of Mechanical Engineering with particular emphasis in fluid mechanics (tenure-track Assistant Professor), and micro and nanoscale thermal sciences and their application to energy systems (tenure-track Assistant Professor or tenured Associate Professor).

Soud Choudhury's picture

Abaqus is not reporting any CEEQ in coupled temp-displacement step

Hi all,

I am modeling a simple coupled temp-displecment analysis with the following step information:



*Material, name=Material-1



*Creep, law=HYPERB

44000., 0.005,   4.2, 45000., 8.314


60000., 0.34

*Expansion, zero=25.



20.,  0.

60., 0.1




*Physical Constants, absolute zero=-273., universal gas=8.314

** STEP: Step-1


Ji Wang's picture

Faculty Positions in ALL Levels with the School of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Ningbo University 宁波大学机械工程与力学学院招聘启事

The School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, is looking for cadidates for all subjects in the broad field of mechanical engineering and mechanics.  In addition to traditional field of impact and shock waves, piezoelectric devices, material durability, and metal forming, the school are also initiating new directions like vechicle engineering, fluid mechanics, occean engineering, solid mechanics, thermodynamics, vibrations, strength, and other related subjects.

Carl T. Herakovich's picture

New Ebook on Elastic Solids at Amazon

This treatise provides a broad overview of the definitions of
fundamental quantities and methods of analysis for the use of solid materials
in structural components. The presentation is limited to the linear elastic
range of material behavior where there is a one to one relationship between
load and displacement.  Fundamental
methods of analysis and typical results for structures made of elastic solid materials
subjected to axial, bending, torsion, thermal, and internal pressure loading;

Ji Wang's picture

Faculty Positions in School of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics 宁波大学机械工程与力学学院招聘启事

The School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, is looking for cadidates for all subjects in the broad field of mechanical engineering and mechanics.  In addition to traditional field of impact and shock waves, piezoelectric devices, material durability, and metal forming, the school are also initiating new directions like vechicle engineering, fluid mechanics, occean engineering, and other related subjects.

Positions in ALL ranks are available.  Currently we are taking applications for 2014 school year.

Subroutine simulation migration from HETVAL to UMATH


I'm already simulating a shape memory alloy behavior with the aid of the HETVAL subroutine, but I'd like to use UMATHT instead, since the HETVAL can't simulate correctly heat absortion(cooling down).

I've tried to add the required values for UMATHT without achieving a correct phase fraction simulation, and some times even no compilation of the .for file.

Is there any other examples that uses UMATHT besides the Stefan problem?
Any other recommendation about HETVAL to UMATHT migration?

MATLAB for thermal simulation

I'm currently studying FEA/CFD and BEM for thermal simulation of custom dies within custom package mounted on custom PCB with encapsulate material (epoxy). I getting familar with CFD concept which seem overkill from ANSYS IcePack (too expensive) but exploring BEM technology from E3D in france (via Vishay).

I have access to MATLAB from other company to try it out for thermal modelling (BEM).

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc position at MIT: Thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites

A postdoctoral associate position at MIT is available immediately,
focused on the analysis and development of multifunctional thermal
management structures, by using theoretical and atomistic multiscale
modeling and simulation. This project specifically involves calculations
of thermal and mechanical properties of graphene based metal- and
polymer nanocomposites, with a focus on various aspects such as
interfacial transport properties, tunability, mutability and phonon
engineering. Additional aspects of the project relate to the general

Xuanhe Zhao's picture

Faculty Opportunity in Thermal Sciences/Energy Technology, Duke University

Faculty Opportunity in Thermal Sciences/Energy Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University

Free Size-limited Version of ADINA!

We are offering a free size-limited version of the ADINA finite element analysis software widely used for solving linear and nonlinear structural, heat transfer, CFD and multiphysics problems.

To request your free copy please visit:

Heat flux per unit area due to frictional dissipation (ABAQUS)

Hi all

I have a 2D model containing 2 2-D blocks rubbing on each other, producing heat at the interface. (Coupled temperature-displacement analysis in ABAQUS 6.8-1). This works fine, as the temperature on the contact surfaces in increasing.

Now, I want to get the instantaneous the heat flux per unit area due to frictional dissipation as a field output. Is there any standard subroutine or any other way to achieve that? There is no such a variable included in the standard ones.


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related to thermal analysis

hello friend

my self raj .

in the beam and shell element " thermal OR temparature vs time" transient analysis possible ? 

   i have four story building model , if apply a temprature vs time history at second floor then  can i find out the each floor tempreture at each time steps ? due to thats also find out the strees and moment or  force at each node due to elongation of beam sheel element due to temparature incraese.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc position available at MIT / bioinspired thermal management

A postdoctoral associate position at MIT is available immediately, focused on the analysis and development of bioinspired, adaptive thermal management structures, by using theoretical and atomistic multi-scale modeling and simulation.

Changing density value during thermal analysis

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Hi everyone,
I need to perform a thermal analysis. A slab of solid material subjected to one side heat flux. My energy balance equation takes in account conduction and heat generation.
The conductio term is the usual term.
The heat generation term is function of the density, but the density is a function of temperature.
I think I should perform a transient analysis and manage to change the value of the density during the anlysis after each substep, at least.
Does someone know how to do it with ANSYS? It is the software that I'm trying to use.

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