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Postdoc Openings at CMU on Soft Multifunctional Materials

The Integrated Soft Materials Lab (SML) is accepting applications for postdoctoral appointments in the areas of soft-matter electronics and multifunctional materials. The postdoctoral researchers will lead efforts to develop composites and integrated soft material architectures for sensing and actuation in wearable, deformable, and shape-programmable systems.  Applications will focus on artificial skin and muscle for autonomous soft robots, prostheses, and wearable computing.  

Dargazany's picture

Ph.D. Positions in Mechanics of Soft Materials at Michigan State University

Our Group of High Performance Materials in Enviormental & Civil Engineering Department at Michigan State University has an openings for PhD positions to work on Multiscale Modeling of Soft Materials starting sSummer  or Fall 2015.

Roozbeh's picture

A Ph.D. Position in Mechanics of Nano-composites at Michigan State University

Our Group of Appleid mechanics in Enviormental & Civil Engineering Department at Michigan State University has an openings for PhD positions to work on  Mechanics of Nano-composites  starting Spring 2015.

One research direction is modeling of nano reinforced materials, with combined theoretical and experimental efforts. Highly Stretchable/Flexible composites combines the leight weight of classical composites and mechanical properties of a polymer based composites, and thus do have a very broad biological applications. . 

Multiple Ph.D. Positions in Mechanics of Soft Materials at Michigan State University

The recently founded Group of Appleid mechanics in Enviormental & Civil Engineering Department at Michigan State University has a few openings for PhD positions to work on Multiscale Modeling of Soft Materials starting Fall 2014.

Ji Wang's picture

Faculty Positions in School of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics 宁波大学机械工程与力学学院招聘启事

The School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, is looking for cadidates for all subjects in the broad field of mechanical engineering and mechanics.  In addition to traditional field of impact and shock waves, piezoelectric devices, material durability, and metal forming, the school are also initiating new directions like vechicle engineering, fluid mechanics, occean engineering, and other related subjects.

Positions in ALL ranks are available.  Currently we are taking applications for 2014 school year.

Two PhD positions available at the University of Auckland, NZ

There are a couple of funded PhD positions available at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.


The topics are, roughly, 

1) Advanced material models and variability

2) Biomimetic sensing and adhesion.


The deadline for applications is Friday, October 29, 2010.  Please send a current CV, a statement of purpose, and transcripts/grades from your undergraduate work (and master's work if you have a master's degree in a related field).


PhD Research Positions in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh

Several PhD research positions are currently open in the Computational Nanomechanics Group at the University of Pittsburgh for the following research projects:


1.  Thermomechanical behavior of carbon-based nanomaterials

2.  Atomistic-to-continuum themomechanical theory in solids

3.  Mechanics of nanoporous and nanocrystalline metals


Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh

A postdoctoral research fellow position is currently open in the Computational Nanomechanics group at the University of Pittsburgh for the following research projects in the multidisciplinary areas of computational nanomechanics, nanotechnology, renewable energy, and nanomedicine: 

  1. Hydrogen and bio-sensing nanowire fabrication

UK Newton Post-Doc Fellowship in Computational Mechanics

Dear All,

A new multi-million pound initiative to fund research collaborations and improve links between UK and overseas researchers has been launched.

The Newton International Fellowships aim to attract the most promising, early stage, post-doctoral researchers working overseas, who do not hold UK citizenship, in the fields of humanities, engineering, natural
and social sciences.

Postdoctoral and PhD Research Positions in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh

Several postdoctoral and PhD research positions are currently open in the Advanced Computational Technology (ACT) group at the University of Pittsburgh for the following research projects in the multidisciplinary areas of computational nanomechanics, bio-nanotechnology, renewable energy, and nanomedicine:

Daniel S. Balint's picture

PhD Studentship - Imperial College London

An EPSRC-funded PhD Studentship is available in the Mechanics of Materials Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London in the general area of theoretical/computational solid mechanics. Funding comes in the form of an EPSRC award (DTA scheme), and as such there is much flexibility in the project scope. A few tentative possibilities are: discrete dislocation modeling of high-temperature creep in dispersion-strengthened superalloys, crack nucleation criteria for functionally graded materials, fracture and post-operative remodeling of trabecular bone (jointly with the biomechanics group).

Nicolas Cordero's picture

Max Planck Society: Independent Junior Research Group Leader positions

The Max Planck Society (MPS) aims at promoting young international scientists by enabling them to perform their research (in all fields pursued by the MPS) at a Max Planck Institute of their choice.

The MPS offers Independent Junior Research Group Leader positions (W2; equivalent to associate professor level without tenure) granted for a period of 5 years with the option for prolonging twice for 2 years. The deadline for application is January 10, 2007.

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