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Postdoc Opening in Soft Robotics Modeling at Carnegie Mellon

The CMU Soft Machines Lab is accepting applications for a postdoctoral appointment in computational modeling of soft multifunctional materials and robotics. The postdoc will lead efforts to develop a physics-based computational framework for modeling heterogenous systems and structures composed of elastomers, fluids, and compliant materials.


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Postdoc Openings at CMU on Soft Multifunctional Materials

The Integrated Soft Materials Lab (SML) is accepting applications for postdoctoral appointments in the areas of soft-matter electronics and multifunctional materials. The postdoctoral researchers will lead efforts to develop composites and integrated soft material architectures for sensing and actuation in wearable, deformable, and shape-programmable systems.  Applications will focus on artificial skin and muscle for autonomous soft robots, prostheses, and wearable computing.  

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