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Mike Ciavarella's picture

comment on a recent Nature paper on nucleation of short cracks by Fineberg's group

Dear colleagues  As fellows in fracture mechanics, you may be interested in these comments on a recent very nice Nature paper by the group of Jay Fineberg, making clever experiments to measure nucleation of small cracks in frictional interfaces of PMMA, and their propagation velocity during nucleation and later rapid acceleration.   Fineberg derives a threshold shear stress for nucleation which depends on the specimen width which seems new in fracture mechanics to me, but does not entirely convince me, see in the text.   If you have any comments please let me know, I would be glad to discus

Postdoctoral fellowship in Computational Fracture Mechanics at Duke

I am happy to announce that a postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Dolbow Research Group at Duke University, working in the area of computational fracture mechanics.  The fellowship provides the opportunity to work on an emerging class of complete fracture models that incorporate the three ingredients that are necessary to be predictive with elastic brittle materials: their elasticity, their fracture toughness, and their strength.  

Eran Bouchbinder's picture

Quenched disorder and instability control dynamic fracture in three dimensions

In this work, we show that the combination of material quenched disorder (of finite strength/amplitude and correlation length) and a 2D tip-splitting instability (that gives rise to extra fracture surfaces) is at the heart of the spatiotemporal dynamics of cracks in 3D. Specifically, it is shown to account for the widely observed limiting (terminal) velocity of cracks, mirror-mist-hackle sequence of morphological transitions, crack macro-branching and a 3D-to-2D transition, out-of-plane crack front waves and the properties of micro-branches.  

Francesco Maresca's picture

PhD Position: Multiscale modelling hydrogen embrittlement (Groningen, NL)

A PhD opening is available in my group, in the context of hydrogen induced fatigue. Motivated candidates with a strong mechanics background are warmly encouraged to apply.

More info about the post and how to apply at:

benzerga's picture

Monsieur Pineau, as I remember him

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Andre Pineau in Paris yesterday. I happened to be one of ~100 PhD students he graduated over the course of his career.

Postdoc Position in Dynamic Fracture of Materials at Czech Technical University in Prague

We are seeking a highly talented and motivated researcher to work within our strong research group “Dynamics of material fracture” oriented at experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical response and failure of materials at high

Kevin Turner's picture

Gordon Conference on Adhesion - Late July 2023

The Gordon Research Conference on the Science of Adhesion is this summer (23-28 July 2023).  The meeting will be held on the campus of Mount Holyoke College in western Massachusetts and will have more than 20 invited talks from world leaders in the fields of adhesion, soft matter, and materials. This is a great meeting for students and early career researchers to get connected to the community. Poster presentations are strongly encouraged from all participants, and poster abstracts can still be submitted.

PhD positions in Fracture Mechanics at IIT Delhi

Deadline: 5th April 2023 !

I am looking to admit at least two PhD students in the broad area of Fracture Mechanics at the Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

arnajafi's picture

Postdoctoral Positions in the Damage-Healing Modeling of Autonomous Self-healing Concrete Structures

The Multiscale Computational Mechanics and Biomechanics Lab (MCMB Lab) at Drexel University is seeking for two immediate postdoctoral positions to conduct research on modeling fracture and healing phenomena in autonomous self-healing concrete structures. Looking for motivated postdoctoral candidates with great communication skills interested in computational damage/healing analysis to develop computational frameworks.

Essential Functions

enrico.salvati1's picture

Postdoctoral/Associate Researcher position in Computational Fracture Mechanics

Structural Integrity and MEchanical Design (SIMED) group is seeking a 17-month full-time Postdoctoral Researcher (or Associate Researcher, not holding a PhD) in Computational Fracture Mechanics. The successful applicant will work at the Polytechnic Engineering and Architecture Department (DPIA) of the University of Udine, under Dr Enrico Salvati’s supervision.

Hsiao-Wei Lee's picture

Predicting high cycle and ultrasonic vibration fatigue with unified mechanics theory

The unified mechanics theory (UMT) is ab-initio unification of the second law of thermodynamics and Newton's universal laws of motion, in which Boltzmann's second law of entropy formulation governs dissipation & degradation. Hence, the unified mechanics theory does not require any empirical dissipation & degradation potential function or an empirical void evolution function. Material degradation is quantified on the Thermodynamic state index (TSI) axis based on the specific entropy production, which starts at zero and asymptotically approaches one at failure.

Post-doc 18 months - highly competitive European Space Agency - EMTD Lab post-doc position - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security and Trust

Dear Colleagues We are looking for a post-doctoral level researcher for a 18 month project in collaboration with a startup company EMTD lab and the European Space Agency. The work to be done is related to radiation shielding and fatigue fracture. We are looking for people with a background in polycrystalline fracture, phase field/enriched finite element methods and multi-scale methods. Knowledge of metallurgy and crystallography would be welcome. Due to confidentiality, we cannot divulge more information at this stage.

Daniel S. Balint's picture

Research Associate (Postdoctoral Position) in Mechanics Modelling for Nuclear Materials at Imperial College London

I have a post-doc position for up to 18 months at Imperial College London, funded by Rolls Royce, working on dislocation mechanics modelling for problems occuring in materials for nuclear energy applications, full advert and application from the link below. Closing date 27th October 2022, starting as soon as possible, at least within the next 6 months.

mattia.bacca's picture

1 Postdoctoral Position on Theoretical/Computational Mechanics @ University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

1 Postdoctoral Position on Theoretical/Computational Biomechanics of Soft Tissue Cutting, Deformation, Damage, and Fracture @ University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


enrico.salvati1's picture

PhD fully-funded position in Computational Solid Mechanics - emphasis on Fracture Mechanics (call deadline: end of July 2022) – University of Udine (Italy)


Structural Integrity and MEchanical Design (SIMED) group is seeking a PhD candidate to conduct research in computational solid mechanics, mainly applied to structural problems. The successful applicant will work at the Polytechnic Engineering and Architecture Department (DPIA) of the University of Udine, under Dr Enrico Salvati’s supervision.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Short Course - Predictive Multiscale Materials Design

We at MIT, welcome you to join us this summer, in person, for a hands-on design-to-product Predictive Multiscale Materials Design course from June 13-17, 2022. All course registrants will receive an MIT certificate upon completion.

johangaume's picture

PostDoc in computational mechanics / arctic glaciology - University of Zürich and EPFL, Switzerland

The Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics Group of the Department of Geography is dedicated to basic and applied research in Alpine areas and in the Arctic. The Snow Avalanche Simulation Laboratory of EPFL is leading the application of novel numerical methods to geophysical settings.


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Daniel S. Balint's picture

Research Associate (Postdoctoral Position) in Mechanics Modelling for Nuclear Materials at Imperial College London

I have a post-doc position for 24 months at Imperial College London, funded by Rolls Royce, working on dislocation mechanics modelling for problems in nuclear materials, full advert and application from the link below. Closing date 14th November 2021, starting as soon as possible, at least within the next 6 months.


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