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pragtic's picture

2nd Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process - online on November 13

Get ready on Wednesday November 13, 2024 at 14:30, when the event starts online. Access to it is completely free, you must only register (and accept that your name and your home institution will be listed among participants).

pragtic's picture

2nd Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

We did it some 16 months ago - the 1st volume of this new online workshop was run without any budget and without any costs. Simply, a meeting place for researchers focused on a similar topic, and willing to share their experience with a broad auditorium. The content still can be found on our website, including records from all lectures.

A question: The entropy of the universe taken as a whole, modelled as a molecular dynamics system

Suppose that we model the entire universe (i.e. the entirety of the known physical universe) as a huge isolated system, using molecular dynamics (MD for short).

The question is: How would you show that the entropy of such a system does in fact always increase? that it neither decreases nor stays the same?

PhD/postdoc openings (University of Minnesota) on the multi-physics modeling and inverse characterization on reaction-driven cracking

Successful applicants will work on the mechanics and thermodynamics of porous solids undergoing reactive flow within the scope of the DOE-funded center on Geo-processes in Mineral Carbon Storage (GMCS, The mission of GMCS is to develop the fundamental science and engineering capability that will lead to realizing the full potential for large-scale subsurface storage of CO2 via mineralization.

pragtic's picture

1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

The workshop takes place on-line only on June 14 from 2 PM CET. It is intended to serve as a networking event, where interested researchers present their focused domain. The subsequent brainstorming will help us to evaluate whether there is a will for a broader cooperation among the participants, and if to transform this workshop into something more regular.

If you do not feel strong enough to present, you are still invited to join us - simply let me know to my e-mail address to get the access to the workshop. No fee requested.

Hsiao-Wei Lee's picture

Dynamic Equilibrium Equations in Unified Mechanics Theory

Traditionally dynamic analysis is done using Newton’s universal laws of the equation of motion. According to the laws of Newtonian mechanics, the x, y, z, space-time coordinate system does not include a term for energy loss, an empirical damping term “C” is used in the dynamic equilibrium equation. Energy loss in any system is governed by the laws of thermodynamics. Unified Mechanics Theory (UMT) unifies the universal laws of motion of Newton and the laws of thermodynamics at ab-initio level.

Hsiao-Wei Lee's picture

Predicting high cycle and ultrasonic vibration fatigue with unified mechanics theory

The unified mechanics theory (UMT) is ab-initio unification of the second law of thermodynamics and Newton's universal laws of motion, in which Boltzmann's second law of entropy formulation governs dissipation & degradation. Hence, the unified mechanics theory does not require any empirical dissipation & degradation potential function or an empirical void evolution function. Material degradation is quantified on the Thermodynamic state index (TSI) axis based on the specific entropy production, which starts at zero and asymptotically approaches one at failure.

Hsiao-Wei Lee's picture

Modeling fatigue of pre-corroded metals with unified mechanics theory

The unified mechanics theory (UMT) was used to develop a model to predict the fatigue life of pre-corroded steel samples with BCC structure. Details of the experimental validation are also provided.

Mechanical Engineering HQ's picture

Using Solar Heat to Create Clean Drinking Water

Hello again iMechanica! My name is Ryan and I am the Founder of Mechanical Engineering HQ. I am writing today to share an interesting development in water sanitation technology. Scientists and engineers have developed a new solar powered water purifier that can create drinking water from wastewater and seawater. Read on to find out how they have achieved this!

Cemal Basaran's picture

Thermodynamics 2.0

Thermodynamics 2.0 Conference [online] has waived the registration fee.

The conference is about Thermodynamics in relation to other disciplines including Mechanics.

My talk on Wednesday at noon is about the Unification of Mechanics and Thermodynamics.


Assistant Professors (tenure track) / Associate Professors in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering, Aarhus University 979843

The Department of Engineering at Aarhus University has a number of open positions as Assistant Professor (tenure track) or Associate Professor at the Section of Mechanical Engineering. The University seeks innovative and visionary engineers/researchers capable of developing the research in Mechanical Engineering.

The positions are available from October 1, 2019 or as soon as possible hereafter.

Cemal Basaran's picture

Scientists report solving one of the oldest problems in mechanics

Being able to accurately predict the life span of physical bodies, both living and non-living, has been one of humankind’s eternal endeavors.  Over the last 150 years, many attempts were made to unify the field of Newtonian mechanics  and thermodynamics,  in order to create a generalized and consistent theory of evolution of life-span.


A ``small'' but interesting riddle from the theory of vibrations

A ``small'' but interesting riddle from the basic theory of vibrations. Haven't run into it in any physics/classical mechanics text/reference.

Learn fluid mechanics or thermodynamics ?

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 
Cemal Basaran's picture

A Nobel Prize worthy paper, unifying Mechanics and Thermodynamics with a mathematical basis

I highly recommend this paper to any mechanician who is familiar with the scientific efforst in the last 150 years to unify mechanics and thermodynamics. Sosnoskiy and Sherbakov and several others from the Russian Academy of Sciences listed in the Acknowledgemnsts have achieved it. Congratulations.

Sosnovskiy, L. Sherbakov, S.,”Mechanothermodynamic Entropy and Analysis of Damage State of Complex Systems”, Entropy, 2016, 18, 268.

Cemal Basaran's picture

A Nobel prize worthy paper, unifying Mechanics and Thermodynamics with a Mathematical Basis

I highly recommend this paper to any mechanician who is familiar with the scientific efforst in the last 150 years to unify mechanics and thermodynamics. Sosnoskiy and Sherbakov and several others from the Russian Academy of Sciences listed in the Acknowledgemnsts have achieved it. Congratulations.

Sosnovskiy, L. Sherbakov, S.,”Mechanothermodynamic Entropy and Analysis of Damage State of Complex Systems”, Entropy, 2016, 18, 268.

Assistant Professors / Associate Professors in Mechanical Engineering 825559

Department of Engineering (ENG), Aarhus University (AU) invites applications for a number of positions as tenure track assistant professors or associate professors in the field of Mechanical Engineering (ME). The University has ambitious plans to increase its activities significantly within research and education as well as public and industrial collaboration with the vision of bringing AU into the global engineering elite.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Masters of Thermodynamics

One Internet, multiple worlds.  People have gone mobile, but iMechanica has not.  Although iMechanica is accessible from mobile phones, but it was not designed as such.  On the other hand, mobile social networks are good mostly for short forms.  A practical solution seems to be posting on iMechanica and linking the entries to social networks, such as twitter, wechat, and Facebook.  For example, The New Yorker has a strong presence on Facebook, as my sons and their friends would say.   

Zhigang Suo's picture

Fossil-fueled civilization

I'll be teaching an undergraduate course on engineering thermodynamics.  We will use the textbook by Cengel and Boles.  I will supplement the textbook using my own notes on thermodynamics.

Guanchu Cheng's picture

thermodynamics equilibrium state vs. steady state???

I am not clear about two concepts: thermodynamics equilibrium state and steady state. It's easy to conceive of the following different two osmosis processes regarding thermodynamics equilibrium state and steady state, respecitvely.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Freely jointed chain

A single strand of polymer is a chain of a large number of monomers.  The monomers are joined by covalent bonds, and two bonded monomers may rotate relative to each other.  At a finite temperature, the polymer rapidly changes from one configuration to another.  When the two ends of the polymer are pulled by a force, the distance between the two ends changes.  The polymer is known as an entropic spring.


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