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numerical methods

H.Chen's picture

PhD openings in Computational Solid Mechanics

The Computational Mechanics and Methods Group (CM3) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kentucky is seeking highly self-motivated individuals who have great interest in the broad research area of computational solid mechanics and methods. Ideal applicants should have strong background in solid mechanics and great interest in computational modeling & simulation. Related research experience in material failure modeling and simulation is a plus.

phase field modelling

Hi I tried to code a basic phase field model for fracture in octave.

It doesn't seem to converge to the correct load. It fails later.

Also mesh refinement did not improve the results.

The link to the GIT is here

Any idea where I am wrong?

Ping me. Thanks in advance.

Excellent post-doc opportunity: Computational Fluid Dynamics

We have an opening for a post-doc position at George Mason University starting immediately. The qualification for the position is a strong background in computational fluid dynamics. The salary level is $64,000 per year. Candidates from aerospace, mechanical or related areas will be considered.

Assistant Professors / Associate Professors in Mechanical Engineering 825559

Department of Engineering (ENG), Aarhus University (AU) invites applications for a number of positions as tenure track assistant professors or associate professors in the field of Mechanical Engineering (ME). The University has ambitious plans to increase its activities significantly within research and education as well as public and industrial collaboration with the vision of bringing AU into the global engineering elite.

Georges Limbert's picture

Fully-funded PhD position in Computational Mechanics [#1] for EU students for September 2016, University of Southampton, UK

PhD project 1 (Reference: NGCM-0011)


Generalised asymptotic numerical methods for buckling instability problems in biological systems and bio-inspired morphing structures

Biotribology Group, nCATS
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment
University of Southampton, United Kingdom



PhD and postdoc positions in Pavia

The Mathematics Department of the University of Pavia is currently offering 1 PhD position (3 years) and 2 postdoc positions (1 year, renewable) within the framework of the ERC Consolidator Grant HIgeoM. This research project focuses on mathematical study and development of isogeometric analysis for solid and fluid mechanics.

Interested candidates may find a detailed description of the activity and the instructions how to apply here:

13th Congress of Computational Mechanics, October 2-3, Chile

Dear colleague,

The University of Talca and the Chilean Society of Computational Mechanics invite professionals, academics, researchers and students to the XIII Jornadas de Mecánica Computacional (XIII Congress of Computational Mechanics), to be held on October 2-3, 2014 at the University of Talca, campus Curicó, Chile.

The call for abstracts closes on June 6th. More details about submission and registration are available on

saberelarem's picture

PhD scholarship on: "Reduced Order Model of PGD type application to numerical computing in high cycle fatigue"

A fully funded PhD scholarship exists in the area of solid mechanics at
the Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CER Angers, France.

The successful applicant will have a  Masters' degree  in
solid mechanics, physics or applied Mathematics . He/she 

is expected to have very good numerical

Kostas Danas's picture

Ph.D. Position on Magnetorheological Elastomers at Ecole Polytechnique, France

One Ph.D. position is now available starting October 2013 on magnetorheological elastomers in the Solid Mechanics Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique, France. The potential student will work on the development of new experimental procedures and high fidelity numerical models for the understanding and constitutive description of microstructured magnetorheological solids. Students with strong interest in new coupled problems and strong background in engineering, physics or/and mechanics are encouraged to apply.

Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials - Post-Doc position in Pilsen

The Post-Doc position is open for 2013-2014 (2 years) at the
Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of West Bohemia in
Pilsen, Czech republic. Details to be announced at the end of September 2012.

PhD Studentship: Rock Fracture and Fragmentation - Imperial College, London, UK

PhD Studentship: Rock Fracture and Fragmentation: Optimization



FEM versus FFT

Dear all,

In micomechanics, homogenization of heterogeneous
materials based on FEM is traditional. Homogenization based on FFT technique has been recently found (in many literatures) to have much more advantages
in term of accuracy, computational cost and resource consumption.

I am wondering why FEMs are still
widely used in education, research, and industries of
mechanics ?

Please could anyone help me to clarify
my question?


marco.paggi's picture

PhD students in Structural Engineering - Computational methdos for the durability of photovoltaics

ERC Starting Research Grant (IDEAS) on Multi-field and multi-scale computational approach to design and durability of photovoltaic modules

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Marco Paggi


CALL FOR PhD STUDENTS (Jan 2013 – Dec 2015; application: deadline in summer 2012)

EnginSoftUK's picture

International CAE Conference Call for Papers

Find out more > 

In the field of numerical analysis, the International CAE Conference is the most important event in Italy and one of the leading conferences in Europe. It features two congress days and some Users' Meetings of the main technologies developed by the most important worldwide CAE players, such as ANSYS, Flowmaster, MAGMA, Forge, modeFRONTIER and many others.

PhD Studentship: Rock Fracture and Fragmentation - Imperial London, UK

PhD Studentship: Rock Fracture and Fragmentation




Background: The Rio Tinto Centre for Advanced Mineral Recovery was founded

in 2008 in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College

London. The Centre is a partnership between Imperial College and Rio Tinto,


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