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multiscale modelling

Francesco Maresca's picture

PhD Position: Multiscale modelling hydrogen embrittlement (Groningen, NL)

A PhD opening is available in my group, in the context of hydrogen induced fatigue. Motivated candidates with a strong mechanics background are warmly encouraged to apply.

More info about the post and how to apply at:

Kmomeni's picture

Postdoctoral Position - Multiscale Mechanics and Materials

An immediate postdoctoral associate position with a tentative start date of Jan 15 is available in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at the University of Alabama with Prof. Kasra Momeni on multiscale modeling materials and processes. This project aims to develop multiscale models of alloys under extreme conditions, such as radiation, heat, and stresses, to develop new alloys.

Kmomeni's picture

Postdoctoral Position - Multiscale Mechanics and Materials

An immediate postdoctoral associate position is available in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at the University of Alabama with Prof. Kasra Momeni on multiscale modeling of materials and processes. The goal of this project is to develop multiscale models of alloys under extreme conditions, such as radiation, heat, and stresses, to develop new alloys.  The postdoctoral researcher will lead several projects on the material design using various techniques, such as molecular dynamics, phase-field, and CALPHAD.

skumaar's picture

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader Position in Multiscale Modelling at the University of Glasgow-James Watt School of Engineering

We are now seeking to fill an academic position at Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader rank for a successful academic to join the Division of Systems, Power and Energy Engineering. We specifically seek a candidate who can potentially contribute to the James Watt School of Engineering in the area of modelling of materials and/or processes at lower length scales where continuum assumption ceases to be valid.

PhD opening in Computational Mechanics and Optimisation at University of Technology Sydney, Australia

The project “Computational mechanics and optimisation for energy absorption of materials” is calling for applications for PhD scholarship commencing in 2021. This project is funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award. Candidates with knowledge and research experience in computational mechanics, design optimisation and machine learning are encouraged to apply.


Project description:

Jingjie Yeo's picture

Discovery and design of soft polymeric bio-inspired materials with multiscale simulations and artificial intelligence It is my privilege and honor to be highlighted as the Journal of Material Chemistry B's Emerging Investigators for 2020. Together with our group's young budding scientists, Chenxi Zhai, Tianjiao Li, and Haoyuan Shi, we review the discovery and design of next-generation bio-inspired materials by harnessing the virtual space in materials design: materials omics (materiomics), materials informatics, computational modelling and simulations, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data.

skumaar's picture

PhD Position in Composites and Additive Manufacturing at the University of Glasgow

The James Watt School of Engineering of the University of Glasgow is seeking a highly motivated graduate to undertake an exciting 3.5-year PhD project entitled, ‘multifunctional cellular composites enabled by 3D printing’. The objective of the project is to design additive manufacturing-enabled microarchitected composites with unprecedented properties optimized for location-specific structural and functional requirements for a multitude of applications. Experience and/or a strong interest in one or more of the following areas are

Kmomeni's picture

Multiple PhD positions in computational mechanics and materials

Several Ph.D. positions are open for Spring/Fall 2020 in the Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at Louisiana Tech University on multiscale modeling of additively manufactured parts and processes. During this project, the candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with NASA research centers, national labs, and different universities across the nation. 

claudiosaul.lopes's picture

PhD position: multiscale computational mechanics of advanced composites

The Composites Materials Group ( at IMDEA Materials, led by Dr. Carlos González and Dr. Cláudio S. Lopes, invites applications for a PhD student position in the field of multiscale computational mechanics of advanced composites. Candidates with interest and knowledge on computational damage mechanics, model development, numerical simulation and optimization methods for advanced composite materials and structures are strongly encouraged to apply.

Mirkhalaf's picture

RVE size determination

The definition of the size of the Representative Volume Element (RVE) is extremely important for the mechanics and physics of heterogeneous materials since it should statistically represent the micro-structure of the material. In the present contribution, a methodology based on statistical analysis and numerical experiments is proposed to determine the size of the RVE for heterogeneous amorphous polymers subjected to finite deformations.

PhD in Biomaterials for Aerospace Composites

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship at the University of Manchester to help develop the next generation of simulation tools. These will be used to evaluate the structural integrity of novel aerospace composites under a wide range of operational conditions.

moh22000's picture

Postdoctoral position in Multiscale Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Polymer Composites under High Strain Rate Deformations

Applications are invited for an immediate  Postdoctoral position within the Cognitive Performance Optimization Laboratory (COPOL) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of New Brunswick. The candidate will perform research in the area of multiscale modeling and failure analysis of high-performance light materials such as Long Fiber Thermoplastic Composites under high strain rate deformations.

PhD Position in Computational Multiscale Modelling of Bone Fracture Healing Mechanobiology

The Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics of Prof. Ralph Müller, Department of Health Science & Technology, Institute for Biomechanics at ETH Zurich is offering a 

PhD Position in Computational Multiscale Modelling of Bone Fracture Healing Mechanobiology

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