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PhD Vacancy: UK Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Energy

I am currently looking to fill an open PhD position in a project titled:

Advanced Virtual Design of 3D Printed Fusion Reactor Components

This is to continue recent work that uses X-ray tomography, high performance computing and finite element analysis to design the plasma facing wall of the ITER reactor. Recent related publications can be found below:

karelmatous's picture

A nonlinear manifold-based reduced order model

A new perspective on model reduction for nonlinear multi-scale analysis of heterogeneous materials. In this work, we seek meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in high-dimensional multi-scale data.

PhD in Biomaterials for Aerospace Composites

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship at the University of Manchester to help develop the next generation of simulation tools. These will be used to evaluate the structural integrity of novel aerospace composites under a wide range of operational conditions.

PhD Positions in Advanced Virtual Prototyping at the University of Manchester

I am currently recruiting new PhD students to join my research group at The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester. The core focus of the group is advanced computing for engineering simulation. My research interests centre on extreme scale parallel computing, cloud computing and virtual reality simulation platforms, applied to scientific and engineering problems involving complex processes.

PhD Positions in Advanced Virtual Prototyping at the University of Manchester

I am currently recruiting new PhD students to join my research group at The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester. The core focus of the group is advanced computing for engineering simulation. My research interests centre on extreme scale parallel computing, cloud computing and virtual reality simulation platforms, applied to scientific and engineering problems involving complex processes.

karelmatous's picture

Predictive Multiscale Materials Modelling

Workshop on Predictive Multiscale Materials Modelling was held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge UK. Slides and videos of all presentations can be seen at the workshop website

Cracks found at reactor at Hunterston B nuclear power station

Perhaps some of those on this site have seen the news article on the BBC website yesterday about cracks appearing in the reactor at the Hunterston B nuclear power station. As the article states, cracking in the graphite bricks is predicted and the regulators are happy that the reactor is safe to operate.

FIDESYS 1.0 is released

Hello Everyone,

FIDESYS Desktop version is released.

FIDESYS is developed by the staff of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. It is a competitive FEA solution package for structural mechanics. It is designed to be less hardware demanding and more cost affective for the user. For further information please visit the following site:

Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

Postdoctoral position in computational mechanics, at MINES ParisTech


A 1-1.5 year postdoctoral position on the subject "Modeling of contact in parallel computing" is open at Centre des Materiaux, MINES ParisTech.

saberelarem's picture

A new parallel sparse direct solver: numerical experiments in large-scale structural mechanics parallel computing

 The main purpose of this work is to present a new parallel direct solver: Dissection solver. It is based on LU
factorization of the sparse matrix of the linear system and allows to
detect automatically and handle properly the zero-energy modes, which
are important when dealing with DDM. A performance evaluation and
comparisons with other direct solvers (MUMPS, DSCPACK) are also given
for both sequential and parallel computations. Results of numerical
experiments with a two-level parallelization of large-scale structural
analysis problems are also presented: FETI is used for the global
problem parallelization and Dissection for the local

cuitino's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Compuational Mechanics of Energetic Materials

 A postdoctoral position is available in the area of multsicale modeling of energetic materials at Rutgers University working under the supervision of Prof. Cuitino. This is a multi-investigator project which will be supported partially by the federal grants.  Candidates with a strong background in consittuvive modeling of coupled mechanical thermal chemical phenomena,  parallel finite element and multiscale methods are highly encouraged to apply.

MPI errors on a linux cluster (ABAQUS/Explicit)

Hello everybody,

i try to perform a 2D orthogonal cutting simulation using the Johnson-Cook damage model in ABAQUS/Explicit. When simulated on my desktop PC (AMD Phenom quad core processor, Windows Vista 64bit), the simulation runs successfully. But if  I try to run the simulation on a linux cluster, it ends with error messages related to HP-MPI. Moreover, if I run a 3D drilling simulation on the cluster, it runs successfully with no errors.

I use ABAQUS 6.7.5, CPE4R elements. 

Example of error messages from *.log file:

cuitino's picture

Post-doctoral position in computational mechanics at Rutgers University

A postdoctoral position is available in the area of multiscale modeling of granular solids. The position is supported by the National Science Foundation and industrial partners of the NSF Engineering
Research Center for Structured Organic Particulate Systems ( 

PhD scholarship in mechanical engineering at University of Seville, Spain

One PhD scholarship (only for European citizens), funded by the Spanish local government of Andalucia, is currently available in the Department of Structures and Construction at the University of Seville (Spain). The PhD position is associated to the Project “Partitioned formulations for dynamic and contact problems” with Professor Ramon Abascal and Professor Jose A. Gonzalez ( as principal researchers.

Microsoft Sponsored PhD Fellowship

Using Computational Biology to Bring Predatory Dinosaurs Back to Life

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