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orthogonal cutting

Borad M Barkachary's picture

Differnce betwwen general Orthogonal cutting and Single point diamond cutting

Hello Everyone..

As per my knowledge for most of the numerical simulation is assumes 2D orthogonal cutting.  But, I am doubt about Single point diamond Cutting. can we consider it orthogonal cutting....??

because the tool is in crystalline structure. ??

any body please... can clearify my doubt...??

MPI errors on a linux cluster (ABAQUS/Explicit)

Hello everybody,

i try to perform a 2D orthogonal cutting simulation using the Johnson-Cook damage model in ABAQUS/Explicit. When simulated on my desktop PC (AMD Phenom quad core processor, Windows Vista 64bit), the simulation runs successfully. But if  I try to run the simulation on a linux cluster, it ends with error messages related to HP-MPI. Moreover, if I run a 3D drilling simulation on the cluster, it runs successfully with no errors.

I use ABAQUS 6.7.5, CPE4R elements. 

Example of error messages from *.log file:

orthogonal cutting

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can anybody help me in performing orthogonal machining in carbon fiber composites using ABAQUS/EXPLICIT????

regds arun...

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