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computational homogenization

Two postdoc positions in computational multiscale mechanics

Two fully-funded postdoctoral positions of multiscale materials modeling and high-performance scientific computing in Germany; in the groups of Karsten Albe ( and Bernhard Eidel ( The call is open until positions are filled.

karelmatous's picture

A nonlinear data-driven reduced order model for computational homogenization with physics/pattern-guided sampling

Developing an accurate nonlinear reduced order model from simulation data has been an outstanding research topic for many years. For many physical systems, data collection is very expensive and the optimal data distribution is not known in advance. Thus, maximizing the information gain remains a grand challenge. In a recent paper, Bhattacharjee and Matous (2016) proposed a manifold-based nonlinear reduced order model for multiscale problems in mechanics of materials. Expanding this work here, we develop a novel sampling strategy based on the physics/pattern-guided data distribution.

ludovicnoels's picture

PostDoc position in multi-scale computational mechanics to study the impact failure of composites

As part of a collaborative project between different Belgian industrial partners and Universities related to the study of composite laminate under impacts, the main objective of the doctoral position will be to develop a multi-scale numerical framework to study failure of the synthesized materials.

jenda_z's picture

Ph.D. student position in mechanics of mechanical metamaterials

Professor Milan Jirásek at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, is searching for a motivated Ph.D. student, who will work on our new ambitious project on non-periodic mechanical metamaterials. Candidates should be interested in and have some previous experience with mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of the mechanical response of materials and structures.

karelmatous's picture

A review of predictive nonlinear theories for multiscale modeling of heterogeneous materials

Since the beginning of the industrial age, material performance and design have been in the midst of innovation of many disruptive technologies. Today’s electronics, space, medical, transportation, and other industries are enriched by development, design and deployment of composite, heterogeneous and multifunctional materials. As a result, materials innovation is now considerably outpaced by other aspects from component design to product cycle. In this article, we review predictive nonlinear theories for multiscale modeling of heterogeneous materials.

karelmatous's picture

A nonlinear manifold-based reduced order model

A new perspective on model reduction for nonlinear multi-scale analysis of heterogeneous materials. In this work, we seek meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in high-dimensional multi-scale data.

karelmatous's picture

Extreme Multiscale Modeling - 53.8 Billion finite elements

In our recent Extreme Mechanics Letter, we present a simulation consisting of 53.8 Billion finite elements with 28.1 Billion nonlinear equations that is solved on 393,216 computing cores (786,432 threads). The excellent parallel performance of the computational homogenization solver is demonstrated by a strong scaling test from 4,096 to 262,144 cores.

Looking for Research/Postdoc Opportunity.

Dear Fellow Members,


I am currently pursuing my PhD research under the supervision of Prof. Ralf Müller at the Institute for Applied Mechanics, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany. I have submitted my dissertation on October 2014. And expecting to defend my PhD work on March, 2015.


Sutured tendon repair; a multi-scale finite element model.

We've recently published an open access journal paper that looks at the mechanics of sutures used to repair severed tendons. A homogenization strategy is used to derive effective elastic properties for tendon fibrils and intracellular matrix. We have found that regions of high stress correlate with the regions of cell death (necrosis) that are sometimes observed in patients.

If this is of interest, please feel free to view the paper here.



Homogenization - If materials in the model are isotropic, is it possible to get truly anisotropic resulting material?


I read that "In general, even if the materials on the micro-level are isotropic, the effective 

material can show anisotropic behavior. A general anisotropic linear elastic material 

may have twenty one independent material parameters.''


If I understand my results correctly then simple structures like ''ball in the unit cell'' result in orthotropic material.

I am a bit puzzled - what would be the simplest structure that would result in anisotropic material behaviour?

Two PhD positions on experimental and computational multiscale mechanics at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands

Our Mechanics of Materials Group at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands has two openings for talented PhD students in the field of multiscale mechanics of materials. They are part of a European Union funded project on multiscale methods for advanced materials. One opening is on the development of a fundamentally new multiscale approach towards material modelling and the other aims to integrate this approach with experimental methods.

Julien Yvonnet's picture

USNCCM 2013, Raleigh, USA: MS on Multiscale computational homogenization

You are welcome to submit abstracts to the MS 4.5 "Multiscale Computational homogenization for bridging scales in the mechanics and physics of complex materials", organized by P. Wriggers, K. Terada, V. Kouznetsova, M. Cho and myself at the 12th US National Congress on Computation Mechanics (USNCCM), July 22-25, 2013, in Raleigh, USA.

The  deadline fo abstract submission is February 15, 2013.

The topics of the MS can be found here:

Julien Yvonnet's picture

Computational homogenization of linear viscoelastic materials: a simplified approach

Several methods have been proposed for numerical homogeniation of linear viscoelastic materials, mainly based on Laplace transform or on multilevel (FE^2) approaches. In this paper, we introduce a much simpler technique based on a discrete representation of the effective relaxation tensor related to the homogeneous medium, which can then be used to evaluate the constitutive law in the form of a convolution product. In practice, calculations on the RVE reduce to 3 transient simulations in 2D and 6  in 3D. More details in

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