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high-performance computing

Two postdoc positions in computational multiscale mechanics

Two fully-funded postdoctoral positions of multiscale materials modeling and high-performance scientific computing in Germany; in the groups of Karsten Albe ( and Bernhard Eidel ( The call is open until positions are filled.

karelmatous's picture

Postdoctoral Associate

The Computational Physics Group at the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Notre Dame is seeking a highly qualified candidate for the post-doctoral associate position in Computational Science and Engineering. The successful candidates will be a key part of a team that is developing and implementing adaptive, multiscale, high-performance (parallel) computational algorithms for numerical solutions of chemo-thermo-mechanical PDE’s with emphasis on complex heterogeneous materials, such as heterogeneous reactive composites, etc. 

karelmatous's picture

Extreme Particle Shape Effect for Packs of Platonic Solids

For centuries, great minds like Kepler, Maxwell and Einstein have investigated the statistical characterization of many-body systems, and implications of small-scale structures on the macroscopic transport and mechanical properties. In this work, an accurate statistical description of heterogeneous particulate materials is computed using novel adaptive interpolation/integration scheme. This statistical information is then utilized within mathematical theories for predicting the overall thermo-mechanical behavior.

karelmatous's picture

Extreme Computing

There have been several discussions on "Extreme Mechanics" in recent weeks and I would like to extend this topic to "Extreme Computing". As we develop materials that are more complex, hierarchical and are spanning multiple spatial scales, we will need computational tools that can describe them well. Fluid dynamics community has long time ago embraced large-scale computing of conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy. In mechanics of materials, large-scale computing is still in infancy.

Cédric Bellis's picture

Post-Doc position with Del Duca – Academie des Sciences Foundation at LMA Marseille, France

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the area of large-scale inversion and imaging using acoustic waves and high-performance computing.

At the interface between the fields of solid mechanics, acoustics and numerical modeling, the present job offer focuses on inverse problems with the aim of extending applications of the spectral-element method and petascale high-performance computing to (1) ocean acoustics and for (2) non-destructive material testing.  

Post-Doc Positions in Computational Materials / Computational Chemistry at The University of Texas at Arlington

We are seeking two post-doctoral researchers to pursue computational studies of polymer-derived high-temperature ceramics, which exhibit an unusual structure at the nano-scale. Projects involve quantum and classical molecular dynamics simulations, modeling structure formation and fracture mechanics, solid state and gas-solid thermodynamic processes, and oxidation behavior.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Mechanics

A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Duke Computational Mechanics Laboratory, beginning in September of 2009 (with flexibility on timing).  Funding for the fellowship concerns research in the simulation of large-scale fragmentation phenomena.  The ideal candidate will have experience in some combination of the following areas:

karelmatous's picture

Post-doctoral research associate position

The Computational Science and Engineering Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking highly qualified candidates for one post-doctoral research associate position in the Center for Simulation of Advanced Rockets.

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