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material properties

Ansys- scripting for defining material properties

Hi every one,

I am new in ansys and I have a problem,I will be glad if you help me find the solution for it. I want to model a poly crystalline material and I have some problems in defiing material properties. For each grain the material properties is a function of grain size. So for each grain I need to calculate grain volume and use that value to calculate the plastic flow stress and true strain. I want to write a script in ansys to calculate the volume of each grain, calculate the properties and assigh a material with that property to each grain. Can any one help me ?

karelmatous's picture

Extreme Particle Shape Effect for Packs of Platonic Solids

For centuries, great minds like Kepler, Maxwell and Einstein have investigated the statistical characterization of many-body systems, and implications of small-scale structures on the macroscopic transport and mechanical properties. In this work, an accurate statistical description of heterogeneous particulate materials is computed using novel adaptive interpolation/integration scheme. This statistical information is then utilized within mathematical theories for predicting the overall thermo-mechanical behavior.

Ansys Non Linear ANALYSIS

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When Working on Ansys Non Linear Static Structural Analysis, I couldn't comprehen while defining and assigning material properties to corrosponding bodies.

When I give different random values for density in Engineering Data and runing the jobs parallely the results look SIMILAR for all the independent values, I couldn't fish out on what basis do the software is giving out results.

Shape Memory Polymer FEM Ansys

Hello everyone,

I hope to find an answer to my problem in this forum.

I'm working on the finite element model of a SMP in order to predict the recovery shape after heating. I'm in trouble about the material properties of this kind of polymer. I run tensile stress test, DMA and TMA in order to characterise the material. However I didn't succeed to write the good command in Ansys to get a shape memory effect.

Does anyone of you has knowledges about SMP ?


Thank you very much,


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