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Extreme Multiscale Modeling - 53.8 Billion finite elements

karelmatous's picture

In our recent Extreme Mechanics Letter, we present a simulation consisting of 53.8 Billion finite elements with 28.1 Billion nonlinear equations that is solved on 393,216 computing cores (786,432 threads). The excellent parallel performance of the computational homogenization solver is demonstrated by a strong scaling test from 4,096 to 262,144 cores. A fully coupled multi-scale damage simulation predicts a complex crack profile at the micro-scale, the macroscopic crack tunneling phenomenon as well as the nonuniform fracture toughness and strength of the interface. Such large and predictive simulations are an important step towards Virtual Materials Testing and can aid in development of new material formulations with extreme properties.

Matthew Mosby, Karel Matouš, Computational homogenization at extreme scales, Extreme Mechanics Letters, Volume 6, March 2016, Pages 68-74.



Dear karelmatous,

Can you please attach your paper with your posts. The paper is interesting. 




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