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energetic materials

Postdoctoral research associate position in computational Mechanics of Materials

A postdoctoral research associate position is available starting immediately in the area of modeling material behavior with emphasis on energetic materials. Candidates with expertise in multiscale techniques and experience with reactive models

are particularly encouraged to apply. The hire must be currently present in the United States. The qualified candidate will have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering or Materials Science. The duration of the appointment is one year.

Postdoctoral research associate position in Mechanics of Materials at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

A postdoctoral research associate position is available starting immediately in the area of modeling material behavior with emphasis on constitutive modeling, homogenization, energetic materials. Candidates with expertise in multiscale techniques are particularly encouraged to apply. The hire will interact closely with a group of investigators from multiple universities. The qualified candidate will have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering or Materials Science. The duration of the appointment is 12 - 14 months.

WaiChing Sun's picture

Postdoc position available at Columbia University in the City of New York

We have one or more postdoc positions available, to be filled immediately, in my research group. We are looking for postdocs in the broad area of computational mechanics.  Candidates should have expertise in modeling dynamic responses of path-dependent materials. Our project is specifically focused on the development and validation of multiscale models for energetic/porous/polycrystalline materials across length scales. More details will be provided to interested candidates. 

Zheng Jia's picture

[Call for Abstract] SES 2016 Symposium E-1: Mechanics and Electrochemistry of Energy Materials

We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the symposium on Mechanics and Electrochemistry of Energy Materials at the 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2016) to be held at University of Maryland College Park (October 2-5, 2016).

Symposium Description

karelmatous's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mechanics

The Computational Physics Group at the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Notre Dame is seeking a highly qualified candidate for the post-doctoral research associate position in Computational Mechanics. The successful candidate will develop and implement multiscale computational approaches for modeling of chemo-thermo-mechanical response of heterogeneous materials such as energetic materials and solid propellants.



cuitino's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Compuational Mechanics of Energetic Materials

 A postdoctoral position is available in the area of multsicale modeling of energetic materials at Rutgers University working under the supervision of Prof. Cuitino. This is a multi-investigator project which will be supported partially by the federal grants.  Candidates with a strong background in consittuvive modeling of coupled mechanical thermal chemical phenomena,  parallel finite element and multiscale methods are highly encouraged to apply.

Postdoctoral position in multiscale modeling at RPI

There is an opening for a postdoctoral research position in the Advanced Computational Research Laboratory at RPI, Troy, work on an ongoing project sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. The project involves the multiscale modeling of particulate composites under extreme loading conditions. This is a great opportunity to be involved in challenging
multiscale computational techniques based on meshfree methods. Encouraged to
apply are creative, self-motivated candidates with a sound background in
computational mechanics.

Henry Tan's picture

News Related to Energetic Materials Science and Engineering

This blog collects news related to Energetic Materials Science and Engineering

Henry Tan's picture

Industrial Placement & Individual Projects (2007/2008)

Industrial Placement (2007/2008)
Supervisor: Henry Tan
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
The University of Manchester

Material Point Method for impact, fracture, fragmentation and explosion
Mr. Jayveer Thakoor

Industrial Placement: Optimising superplastic form die shape for next generation aero engine production, a design project from Rolls-Royce plc.
Mr. Waqas Ahmad


Henry Tan's picture

Plastic bonded energetic materials

plastic bonded explosives are composites containing energetic grains, ranging in size from less than one to a few hundred micrometers, embedded in a matrix of high-polymer binder.

Henry Tan's picture

Mitigating the threat of terrorist attacks

The following are links to the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) documents:

Mitigating the threat of terrorist attacks against high occupancy buildings is a challenging task.

This chapter presents several methodologies for architects and engineers to quantify risk and to identify the most effective mitigation measures to achieve a desired level of protection against terrorist attacks at an acceptable cost.

Henry Tan's picture

Size effect of energetic crystals in high explosives and solid propellants

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Energetic materials, such as solid propellants and high explosives, can be considered as composite materials with energetic particles embedded in polymeric binder matrix. These energetic materials display strong particle size effects. For example, large particles debond earlier than small ones in high explosives.

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