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nonlinear mechanics

Pavel Galich's picture

PhD positions in Wave Mechanics and Metamaterials Laboratory at the Technion (Israel)

Wave Mechanics and Metamaterials Laboratory seeks candidates with strong knowledge in magnetoelasticity, wave mechanics, finite element modeling (ideally of magneto-mechanical coupling), or strong experimental background in ultrasonics or magnetism (ideally knowing how to operate an electromagnet). For more details, pls, see attached file.

Georges Limbert's picture

Research Fellow position in Computational Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Southampton, UK.

Job Purpose: To make a leading research contribution to an industry-sponsored project on state-of-the-art finite element techniques to simulate needle penetration into skin working with the PI, A/Prof. Georges Limbert. You will join the national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS). In addition, you will work closely with the sponsor and contribute to the planning, writing and submission of reports and research publications.


Full Time Fixed Term for 18 months

Salary:   £31,406 to £38,587 per annum

boechler's picture

Postdoctoral opening in Boechler Research Group

Looking for postdoctoral researcher with experience in the area of topological mechanics and/or acoustics, or nonlinear mechanics/dynamics to join the Boechler Research Group ( in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, San Diego.

Paolo Celli's picture

PhD openings in solid/structural mechanics at Stony Brook University

I would like to advertise several openings for Ph.D. students in my recently-established research group, the Dynamic Structures Laboratory at Stony Brook University. The intended starting semester is Fall 2020.

Fan Xu's picture

Roll up your sleeves

When you push up your sleeves, wrinkles form, which eventually evolve into ridges (pictured). As familiar as you may be with this phenomenon, have you ever thought about its underlying mechanism? It involves the complex nonlinear mechanical behaviour of large deformations and surface instabilities, which in turn give rise to a sophisticated morphological evolution. And now, Yifan Yang and co-workers have revealed a hitherto unknown post-buckling behaviour that involves multiple bifurcation transitions (Phys. Rev.

Rong Long's picture

Symposium (351) on "Nonlinear Mechanics of Polymer Network: Elasticity, Inelasticity, and Temporal Evolution" at USNCTAM 2018

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the symposium (351) on "Nonlinear Mechanics of Polymer Network: Elasticity, Inelasticity, and Temporal Evolution" at the 2018 U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics which will be held at Northwestern University (Chicago IL, USA) on June 4-9, 2018. You can find a description of the symposium and the conference website using this link.

Post Doctoral Research Associate position at RPI

There is an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research associate position in the Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine (CeMSIM) at RPI, Troy NY to work on problems involving novel iterative algorithms for nonlinear problems in solid mechanics using nonconventional discretization schemes. Encouraged to apply are creative, self-motivated candidates with a sound background in computational mechanics.

Payam Soltani's picture

Nonlinear and quasi-linear behavior of a curved carbon nanotube vibrating in an electric force field; an analytical approach

Nonlinear and quasi-linear behavior of a curved carbon nanotube vibrating in an electric force field; an analytical approach

 By: Payam SOLTANI, A. Kassaei, M. M. Taherian


Multiple Positions in Interactive Computing at RPI

The Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine (CeMSIM) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA invites
applications for multiple positions (Research Assistant Professor,
Research Scientist/Research Associate, postdc) to work on projects
funded by the NIH on developing interactive computational technology. 
Desirable background for this position

4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (Montreal, July 23-26, 2013) - Abstract submission deadline March 1, 2013

CanCNSM Conferences are intended to provide an international opportunity for communicating recent developments in various areas of nonlinear solid mechanics and materials. After 3 successful conferences in Victoria, Vancouver and Toronto, the 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics will be held in July 23-26, 2013 at McGill University which is best recognized for its research and discoveries in different fields of science. 

jkyang's picture

Multiple Open Positions for Ph.D. Candidates in Experimental/Computational Mechanics, University of South Carolina

We seek for highly motivated Ph.D. candidates in the field of 1) Acoustic metamaterials (e.g., phononic crystals), 2) Advanced composite materials, and 3) NDE/SHM, to join Advanced Structures Laboratory ( at the University of South Carolina. The Advanced Structures Laboratory is located in the Mechanical Engineerin Department, which is ranked 31st nationally according to National Research Council and is recently emerging due to the construction of Aerospace Cluster driven by Boeing Company and GE Aviation.


karelmatous's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mechanics

The Computational Physics Group at the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Notre Dame is seeking a highly qualified candidate for the post-doctoral research associate position in Computational Mechanics. The successful candidate will develop and implement multiscale computational approaches for modeling of chemo-thermo-mechanical response of heterogeneous materials such as energetic materials and solid propellants.



Postdoctoral position in multiscale modeling at RPI

There is an opening for a postdoctoral research position in the Advanced Computational Research Laboratory at RPI, Troy, work on an ongoing project sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. The project involves the multiscale modeling of particulate composites under extreme loading conditions. This is a great opportunity to be involved in challenging
multiscale computational techniques based on meshfree methods. Encouraged to
apply are creative, self-motivated candidates with a sound background in
computational mechanics.

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