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biological materials

ICMOBT 2015 - Abstract deadline reminder!

This is just a reminder that the deadline for submitting your abstract to the ICMOBT Conference is now only a month away.
Submit your abstract NOW!

Oral and poster abstracts are invited on the following topics and should be submitted using the online abstract submission system by 26 June 2015. For a more detailed list of topics, please check the conference website.

1. Biological Materials
2. Biomaterials
3. Bioinspired Materials

Ashkan Vaziri's picture

Two Postdoc positions at Northeastern: Cellular structures, Soft Matter, and Biomimetic materials and structures

Two postdoctoral fellow positions at Northeastern University are available immediately, focused on the analysis of the nonlinear behavior of structures and soft matter using computational mechanics and the development and analysis of active cellular structures, and biomimetic materials. The research will be carried out at the High Performance Materials and Structures Laboratory (

Ashkan Vaziri's picture

Postdoc position at Northeastern: Cellular structures, Soft Matter, and Biomimetic materials and structures

Two postdoctoral fellow positions at Northeastern University is available immediately, focused on the analysis of the nonlinear behavior of structures and soft matter using computational mechanics and the development and analysis of active cellular structures, and biomimetic materials. The research will be carried out at the High Performance Materials and Structures Laboratory (

ruogang zhao's picture

Force-driven evolution of mesoscale structure in engineered 3D microtissues and the modulation of tissue stiffening

Force-driven evolution of mesoscale structure in engineered 3D microtissues and the modulation of tissue stiffening

Ruogang Zhao, Christopher S. Chen, Daniel H. Reich, Biomaterials, Vol. 35, Issue 19, June 2014, Pg 5056–5064


Online finite element analysis of nanoindentation (indentation)

Dear All, 


We (the NanoBIO Node at Illinois ) have a preliminary release of an online finite element analysis of nanoindentation (indentation) tool using FEAP

This preliminary release is limited to linear elastic material, axisymmetric geometry, spherical rigid indenter, and various boundary conditions. 

Ashkan Vaziri's picture

Two Postdoc positions at Northeastern: Solid and Computational Mechanics and Biomimetic materials and structures

Two postdoctoral fellow positions at Northeastern University are available immediately. First position is focused on the analysis of the nonlinear behavior of soft matter using computational mechanics and the development and analysis of biomimetic materials and structural systems. Second position is focused on computational and solid mechanics. The research will be carried out at the High Performance Materials and Structures Laboratory (

Francois Barthelat's picture

Post-doctoral position in biological and biomimetic materials at McGill University

I have an open position for a Post-doctoral researcher in the area of the mechanics of biological materials and novel biomimetic materials, starting immediately. The projects involve mechanics of biological and engineered nano and micro-interfaces, mechanics of fish scales, and design, fabrication and testing of composite materials inspired from nacre. The successful candidate will lead 1-2 projects and will be involved in another 2-3 ongoing projects in these areas, in collaboration with graduate students (more below).   

Online access to Special Issue of Journal of the mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials (JMBBM)

For a limited period of time, you can have online access to a Special issue of JMBBM on 7th TMS Symposium on Biological Materials Science. To access this Special issue, go to

Deadline: 15 April 2012

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Special issue on "Computational and Theoretical Materiomics" now published (J. Computational &Theoretical Nanoscience)

The special issue on "Computational and Theoretical Materiomics: Properties of Biological and de novo Bioinspired Materials" has now been published. A list of papers is included below. A sincere thank you to all contributors! Anyone interested in a reprint of any of the articles please send me a message.

Gregory M. Odegard's picture

Endowed Professorships and Faculty positions in Health

Michigan Technological University invites applicants for new tenure-track positions at any rank in the broad areas of health sciences and engineering. This campus-wide Strategic Faculty Hiring Initiative (SFHI) is projected to bring up to ten new faculty members, including possible endowed positions, to campus over the next two years to strengthen the key focus areas of biochemistry, bioengineering, bioethics, biomaterials, biomechanics, human factors, medical informatics, cell biology, physiology, and statistical genetics.

Patrick Onck's picture

Three PhD positions available

Three PhD positions are available at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, to work on

ChristineOrtiz's picture

PostDoc Position Available at MIT

PostDoc Position Available

Ortiz Laboratory at MIT

Professor Christine Ortiz, Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

To apply for this position; send cover letter including date available to start, CV, full list of publications, and the names of three references to:


Francois Barthelat's picture

Call for Abstracts: Mechanics of Biological Materials at the 2009 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition, June 1-3 2009, Albuquerque

We are now accepting abstracts on: 

  • Mechanics of hard and soft biological materials
  • Mechanics of biomimetic materials and systems
  • Experimental methods applied to biological materials and systems 

Sponsor: Biological Systems and Materials Technical Division ( 


Ph.D. Research Assistantship in Multi-Scale/Multi-Physics Material Modeling at the University of Colorado, Boulder

A graduate student researcher is sought to work on a theoretical and computational aspect of multiscale/ multi-physics material modeling (with an emphasis on biological materials and structures). The project’s envisioned outcome is to a better understanding of the relationship between the small scale physics and structures and the overall macroscopic properties of a material. This research has application in the design of new, smart material, or in the development of treatment for injuries and disease of biological tissues.

Dean Eastbury's picture

Issue 2 of J. Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials published

I am pleased to announce that Volume 1, Number 2 of the the recently-launched Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials ( has been published by Elsevier. All JMBBM articles can be accessed free-of-charge on ScienceDirect until September 2008 (

MichelleLOyen's picture

MRS Symposium: Mechanics of Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials

Symposium DD at the upcoming Materials Research Society Annual Meeting (Nov. 26-Dec. 1, Boston, MA) will be the latest in a series of MRS symposia on the mechanics of biological materials and materials designed following natural principles ("biomimetic" or "bio-inspired").   The full program is available at the MRS website (  This topic was also the subject of the August, 2006 focus issue of the Journal of Materials Research, which contained over 30 articles on the subject.

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