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Franck Vernerey's blog

Ph.D. Research Assistantship Position in Multi-Scale Computational Study of the Fracture of Concrete at CU Boulder

A Ph.D. Research Assistantship position in multi-scale computational mechanics of fracture of composites (with application on concrete) will be available to start in January 2010 in the Department of Civil Engineering, at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Ph.D. Research Assistantship in Multi-Scale/Multi-Physics Material Modeling at the University of Colorado, Boulder

A graduate student researcher is sought to work on a theoretical and computational aspect of multiscale/ multi-physics material modeling (with an emphasis on biological materials and structures). The project’s envisioned outcome is to a better understanding of the relationship between the small scale physics and structures and the overall macroscopic properties of a material. This research has application in the design of new, smart material, or in the development of treatment for injuries and disease of biological tissues.

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