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rajan_prithivi's picture

Visualizing bending and torsional deformation using experiment

This video  contains an experimental demonstration of a simple bending and torsion and further speculate the nature of stresses induced by the respective loading scenarios

zichen's picture

How the embryonic chick brain twists

During early development, the tubular embryonic chick brain undergoes a combination of progressive ventral bending and rightward torsion, one of the earliest organ-level left–right asymmetry events in development. Existing evidence suggests that bending is caused by differential growth, but the mechanism for the predominantly rightward torsion of the embryonic brain tube remains poorly understood.

ecuanurqui's picture

How to model the Torsion of a bar in abaqus with displacement control?


I have a bar with an analytical rigid surface attached at the free end with a RP at the centre of it. I am applying a rotational BC of UR3 = 0.017 (1 deg) with respect to the Z axis, but the resulting rotation at the end of the bar is more than 1 degree. Any idea why? Or how to have a full control of the twist of the bar? Also the bar deforms in shape where the end at which the twist is applied expands, making this cross-section bigger (clearly no the deformation expect for torsion). Input file attached in a word doc. 

R.Mehrabi's picture

Constitutive modeling of tension-torsion coupling and tension-compression asymmetry in NiTi shape memory alloys

A 3D constitutive model is proposed and verified with experimental data. Tension-torsion coupling effect and tension-compression asymmetry effect is investigate for tube shape memory alloy.

Equivalent strain in large torsional deformation

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Dear All

Looking for a methodology to convert shear stress-shear strain data from a torsion test in large deformations into true strain-true stress curve, I found two schools of thought: 




Carl T. Herakovich's picture

New Ebook on Elastic Solids at Amazon

This treatise provides a broad overview of the definitions of
fundamental quantities and methods of analysis for the use of solid materials
in structural components. The presentation is limited to the linear elastic
range of material behavior where there is a one to one relationship between
load and displacement.  Fundamental
methods of analysis and typical results for structures made of elastic solid materials
subjected to axial, bending, torsion, thermal, and internal pressure loading;

Analytical elastic-plastic solutions for the torsion of a round bar with a heterogeneous cross section


I am trying to derive/find an analytical expression
for the torsion of a round bar made of an heterogeneous material. But I just do
not seem to find any solution available in the literature other than for a
homogeneous material, which can be find in any theory of plasticity book (e.g.
Theory of Plasticity, 3rd Ed., J. Chakarabarty, pp. 132-136).

dabiao liu's picture

Stress gradient plasticity

 Liu, D., He, Y., Zhang, B., 2013. Towards a further understanding of dislocation pileups in the presence of stress gradients.  Doi: 10.1080/14786435.2013.774096

Wenbin Yu's picture

Three-ways to derive the Euler-Bernoulli-Saint Venant Beam Theory

After having taught graduate structural mechanics for several years, I am finally
able to write down my lecture notes (attached) for teaching the beam theory. In
the notes, we formulated the complete classical beam model
(extension/torsion/bending in two directions), which is also called
Euler-Bernoulli-Saint beam theory, in three ways: Newtonian method, variational
method, and variational asymptotic method, using 3D elasticity theory as the
starting point. Many self-contradictions of the various assumptions used in both
Newtonian method and variational method are clearly pointed out. The

torsion in ansys

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Torsion of annular rod with longitudinal slit

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I have a question regarding simple torsion of a circular shaft with a uniform cross section. Given a hollow circular shaft with inner radius R1 and outer radius R2, length L, shear modulus G, fixed-free boundary conditions and applied torque T about the central axis, the equation for the rotation angle at the end of the beam is

 phi = T*L/(J*G)

where J = pi/4*(R2^4-R1^4)

stiffness matrix for torsional beam

I would like to know how to write a stiffness matrix for a bar under torsional load. I would like to write a code in C++ to do this. I would like to know of any material regarding this.

Thanks in advance

With Br


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