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Constitutive model

Postdoctoral Position in Discrete Element Modelling at Hongik University in Sejong, Korea

One postdoctoral position is immediately available in the Department of Mechanical and Design Engineering at Hongik University in Sejong, Republic of Korea. 

The postdoc candidate should have a strong background in computational mechanics of granular materials (especially, in particle-level high-speed contact/impact of solids), numerical methods (such as DEM and FEM), and computational code development with C/C++, Fortran and/or Python. 

Ying Li's picture

Journal Club for March 2020: Molecular Simulation-Guided and Physics-Informed Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Viscoelasticity

Journal Club for March 2020: Molecular Simulation-Guided and Physics-Informed Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Viscoelasticity

Ying Li, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut

1.       Introduction

Jinhyun Choo's picture

Computational Geomechanics mini-symposium at EMI 2020 New York

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to cordially invite you to the Computational Geomechanics mini-symposium at the ASCE EMI 2020 Conference, which will take place on May 26–29, 2020 at Columbia University in NYC. The abstract submission is now open until January 15, 2020 (Link: The mini-symposium description is given below:

Incrementally linear constitutive model. Nonlinear solution procedure

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Hello everyone,

My doubt is related with the obtenion of the true stress when using incrementally linear constitutive models (hypoelastic models). These models, alternatively to total stress strain models, related increment of strain and increment of stress. The predicted stress is obtained by adding to the previous stress the stress increment obtained by using the tangent matrix. By using total stress-strain models it is clear that the true stress is obtained by substituting the current strain into the constitutive equation. How do we do this for hypoelastic models?

How to develop a new constitutive model from scratch?

Dear all  iMechanica, I wonder if there is any good  material on constitutive modeling that explains how to develop a new constitutive model from scratch, e.g. from the experimental data say uniaxial tension and compression. Where should one start to develop a new constitutive model? What laws should the model obey?  These questions perhaps are addressed in many continuum mechanics text books. but I am looking for materials that explain in a concise (short) and easy to understand way.

grassl's picture

Damage plasticity model for concrete failure CDPM2

Those involved in the modelling of the failure of plain/reinforced concrete using damage and plasticity might be interested in our webpage

which we have created to support our concrete damage plasticity model CDPM(2) in LS-DYNA. You can find there a number of example input files, reports and our implementation of the model in the form of a user subroutine.


kourousis's picture

PhD position in Additively Manufactured Metals Plasticity (Extended Deadline: 17 June 2016)

PhD Studentship (4 years) @University of Limerick

Cyclic Plasticity of Additively Manufactured (AM) Metals: Experimental Investigation & Constitutive Modelling

Background & Research Objectives

R.Mehrabi's picture

Constitutive modeling of tension-torsion coupling and tension-compression asymmetry in NiTi shape memory alloys

A 3D constitutive model is proposed and verified with experimental data. Tension-torsion coupling effect and tension-compression asymmetry effect is investigate for tube shape memory alloy.

Shunlai.Zang's picture

Measurement of the Bauschinger Behavior of Sheet Metals by Three-point Bending Springback Test with Pre-strained Strips

In numerical simulation of sheet metal
forming process, the cyclic mechanical behavior of metallic sheet is
required to calibrate the material parameters of the combined
isotropic-kinematic hardening model. Therefore the development of
experimental device and method is an important work in order to
measure the cyclic mechanical behavior of metallic sheet. There are
several experimental devices which can measure this cyclic mechanical
behavior of sheet metal mainly to measure the Bauschinger behavior.
Often, these experiments can be classified into three main
categories: (i) in-plane tension-compression test; (ii) in-plane
cyclic simple shear test; (iii) bending-reverse bending test.

In this paper, a novel approach is

PhD Scholarship in Geotechnical Engineering Postgraduate Research of the University of Adelaide

One research scholarship is immediately available to support a PhD
student to work on a project in Geotechnical Engineering area.  The project is funded by the Australian
Research Council (ARC) and lasts 3 years. 
The scholarship will provide a stipend of A$ 25,392 per annum (in
2014).  Tuition waiver will be
nominated.  Exceptional candidate is
eligible to be awarded an extra amount of allowance in appreciation of his (or

Thermodynamic model for strain-induced crystallization in rubber - Eccomas

Natural rubber (NR) is known to crystallize under strain (SIC) so that NR samples subjected to loading-unloading cycles exhibit hysteresis. A brief review of the numerous experiments conducted on this material is given. Detailed information on the microstructure is therefore available, particularly simultaneous measurements of stress versus elongation and

Constitutive model for the glass fiber reinforced-epoxy composite

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Dear all,


I'm a researcher in the area of applied mechanics. Currently, I'm surveying articles on the constitutive and numerical modeling of fiber reinforced polymer composite. In particular, the fiber is a glass woven fabric. The matrix is the epoxy (thermoset which shrinkages when curing is completed). I want to know woks relevant to this kind of materials. I have found some "compressible hyperelastic model" which is for the epoxy only. Any comments or suggestions will be welcomed!


Best regards, 

Sangyul Ha

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