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Computational Plasticity

A funded PhD position: University of Western Ontario, Canada


We are looking for a talented, self-motivated, and enthusiastic student with a BSc or MSc degree in mechanical or materials engineering. Students with strong background in crystal plasticity and computational mechanics are recommended to apply.


A PhD position at the University of Western Ontario, Canada

We are looking for a talented, self-motivated, and enthusiastic student with a BSc or MSc degree in mechanical or materials engineering. Students with strong background in crystal plasticity and computational mechanics are recommended to apply.


Prospective candidates will be assessed based on how well they meet the following criteria:

Assistant research scientist in the PRISMS center at the University of Michigan

The Predictive Integrated Structural Materials Science (PRISMS) Center at University of Michigan is seeking a computational materials scientist to participate in the development of production-standard open source scientific codes. The Center is home to a number of closely-knit research groups that specialize in computational materials science spanning the spatial scales from electronic structure to the continuum, and a spectrum of theories including Density Functional Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Phase Field Models, Crystal Plasticity and Continuum Mechanics.

Prabuddha Sathurusinghe's picture

Different results when *DEFORMATION PLASTICITY vs *PLASTIC used for modelling plasticity of ductile meals in ABAQUS?

I got different results for a tensile test simulation when I used *DEFORMATION PLASTICITY (DP), instead of *PLASTIC (P) to model the same material. Ramberg-Osgood (R-O) parameters were directly provided for DP model while true stress/plastic strain values were calculated using the same R-O parameters for P model. Could somebody provide some insight into why that happened? This is not a fracture problem.

sbagherzadeh's picture

Seeking a PostDoc position in field of mechanics of advanced materials

Dear All,

I got my PhD degree of Mechanical Engineering on Sep 2016 and I am seeking PostDoc position at well-known Universitiy or research Institute. Also, I completed my short-term visiting scholar at Purdue University on March 2016.

rajan_prithivi's picture

Large Deformation - Definition of total work energy density

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Like we have the elastic strain energy density for small deformations  defined as 0.5* σ :e  .

Is the equation PK2:E valid for the total work energy density for elastoplastic regimes ? If not, what would be a valid equation for total energy density ?

How can we decompose total work density into elastic work and plastic work densities for a large deformation case.


PK2 is the second piola kirchoff stress tensor

E is the Green-Lagrange strain tensor






jenda_z's picture

Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation 2016 (LID 2016)

Dear colleagues,

on behalf of the course organizer, I would like to bring to your attention to the advanced course on Modeling of localized inelastic deformation that will be taught by Milan Jirásek in Prague, Czech Republic on 19-23 September 2016.

kourousis's picture

PhD position in Additively Manufactured Metals Plasticity (Extended Deadline: 17 June 2016)

PhD Studentship (4 years) @University of Limerick

Cyclic Plasticity of Additively Manufactured (AM) Metals: Experimental Investigation & Constitutive Modelling

Background & Research Objectives

Please suggest self study book for continuum plasticity theory

Hello, I am new to theory of plasicity and need to learn it by myself. Please suggest a good book for self study for continuum plasticity theory. I am specially interested in metal plasticity theories, in analytical and numerical aspects.

jenda_z's picture

Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation 2015

Dear colleagues,

on behalf of the course organizer, I would like to bring to your attention to the advanced course on Modeling of localized inelastic deformation that will be taught by Milan Jirasek in Prague, Czech Republic on 7-11 September 2015. More detailed information on the course is posted at We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!

aminzami's picture

Why Abaqus give incorrect result in plane strain plasticity?!!

There is an incorrect result from Abaqus in plane strain plasticity simulation. In this short video, this  result is shown.

It would be pleased if anybody have any idea about why this happen ?!!


YouTube link:

Fred Sansoz's picture

Two Ph.D. Positions in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Vermont

Positions for two doctoral students in mechanical engineering are available immediately in the Sansoz Research Group at the University of Vermont located in Burlington, Vermont (USA).


bitamendi's picture

Active Research groups in Computational Plasticity

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Hello everyone,


I'm last year PhD student. I would appreciate if someone could advice me about active research groups in Computational Plasticity (material models, hardening models, yield criteria, UMAT) in California or Australia.


I'm looking for an interesting research group to find a post-doc but I don't know from where start.


Thansks to everyone!!

bitamendi's picture

Active Research groups in Computational Plasticity


Hello everyone,


I'm last year PhD student. I would appreciate if someone could advice me about active research groups in Computational Plasticity (material models, hardening models, yield criteria, UMAT) in California or Australia.


I'm looking for an interesting research group to find a post-doc but I don't know from where start.


Thansks to everyone!!

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