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#computational mechanics

Pai Wang's picture

New tenure-track/tenure faculty position in Computational Solid Mechanics

 Assistant/Associate/Professor in Computational Solid Mechanics    Please let your students/postdoc/friends/colleagues/collaborators know if they might be interested  

IGA 2024 Call for abstract: Mini-Symposium: Machine Learning and IGA

Dear Colleagues, 


We cordially invite you to submit an abstract to our Mini-Symposium: "Machine Learning and IGA" for the 12th International Conference on IsoGeometric Analysis (IGA 2024) held in St. Augustine, Florida, USA, on October 27-30, 2024

The deadline for submission of Abstracts is April 30, 2024

For more information on IGA 2024, please visit the conference website

RA in Computational Mechanics - Cambridge

The Cambrige Solid Mechanics Group are starting a new project with the aim to transform the design of engineering components from one based on selecting a best single material to one in which material properties and compositions are treated as continuous, spatially varying quantities.

Funded PhD Positions in Computational Biomimetics

The Computational Multi-Physics Coupled Analysis Laboratory at Kyushu Institute of Technology, which is located in Fukuoka Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, Japan, is currently offering the funded Ph.D. position, with start date of Spring/Fall 2024. The successful candidate will carry out researches in the areas of computational mechanics for biomimetics, and coupled multi-physics problems such as flying insects and energy harvesting. The detail is shown in the attached pdf.

David Cereceda's picture

Two fully funded Ph.D. positions in Materials Informatics and Computational Mechanics - Fall 2023

The Multiscale Modeling of Materials and Machine Learning Laboratory (M4L Lab: at Villanova University is looking for two Ph.D. students. The successful applicants will work with Dr. David Cereceda on interdisciplinary research topics that involve Materials Informatics and Computational Mechanics. The positions start as early as Fall 2023. Evaluations will start immediately until the positions are filled. Please, see the description of each position below.


Cemal Basaran's picture

Int. Conference on Damage Mechanics 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

The Fourth International Conference on Damage Mechanics, ICDM4, will be held at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on May 15th-18th, 2023. The abstract submission will be due on December 15th, 2022. Please consider submitting an abstract using the templates ( If you submitted an abstract in 2019, you would need to resubmit it before the deadline.
Best wishes to you all!

Postdoctoral Position in Discrete Element Modelling at Hongik University in Sejong, Korea

One postdoctoral position is immediately available in the Department of Mechanical and Design Engineering at Hongik University in Sejong, Republic of Korea. 

The postdoc candidate should have a strong background in computational mechanics of granular materials (especially, in particle-level high-speed contact/impact of solids), numerical methods (such as DEM and FEM), and computational code development with C/C++, Fortran and/or Python. 

David Cereceda's picture

One fully funded Ph.D. position in Bio-inspired Computational Mechanics and Machine Learning - Fall 2022

The Multiscale Modeling of Materials and Machine Learning Laboratory (M4L Lab: at Villanova University is looking for one Ph.D. student. The successful applicant will work with Dr. David Cereceda on interdisciplinary research topics that involve Computational Mechanics, Bio-inspired materials, and Machine Learning. The position starts as early as Fall 2022. Evaluations will start immediately until the positions are filled.

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