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Polymer nanocomposites

Call for Abstract Submission to the CAMX (The Composite and Advanced Materials Expo), 2014

Abstract submission to a technical session entitles "Resin System Technology" at CAMX (Created by SAMPE and ACMA) which will be held on October 13-16, 2014 in Orlando, Florida.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

RVE for a composite material

Hi everyone


I am fairly new to this.  I am doing my masters in nanocomposite hybrids.  I wanted to know how to do an RVE in ABAQUS.  I only started using abaqus this year and have done very basic models.  I also just started Fortran90 and would like to know how to use the subroutines.  

If anyone can assist me in simulating an RVE with just a basic fibre reinforced polymer that would help.  The goal is to eventually model a nano hybrid. 



Postdoctoral Fellowship at Northwestern University in Stochastic Multiscale Analysis and Design

We are seeking applicants for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in “stochastic multiscale analysis and design” in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA. Applicants are expected to have expertise in the following areas: solid mechanics, uncertainty quantification, finite element modeling, and engineering optimization. The candidate is expected to have a strong background in statistical analysis. Prior experience with material microstructure characterization via image processing, and model uncertainty quantification is preferred.

Finite element modelling fracture mechanics of polymer/clay nanocomposites

I am Cecilia. In 2007 I graduated in mechanical engineering at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy).

During the degree courses I took several classes on structural mechanics, including, Mechanics of Composite Materials,

Fracture Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis (with Ansys and Abaqus).

Now I am a PHD student at the Univesity of Cagliari and this is the aim of my research:

Finite element modelling of polymer-clays nanocomposites with

Frank Fisher's picture

"Polymer Nanocomposite Processing, Characterization, and Applications": Special Issue of Journal of Nanomaterials

I would like to call your attention to a special Issue on "Polymer Nanocomposite Processing, Characterization, and Applications" scheduled to be published in the Journal of Nanomaterials in May 2010. The Call for Papers can also be viewed at the journal website at The deadline for manuscript submission is November 1.

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