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Frank Fisher's blog

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"Polymer Nanocomposite Processing, Characterization, and Applications": Special Issue of Journal of Nanomaterials

I would like to call your attention to a special Issue on "Polymer Nanocomposite Processing, Characterization, and Applications" scheduled to be published in the Journal of Nanomaterials in May 2010. The Call for Papers can also be viewed at the journal website at The deadline for manuscript submission is November 1.

Frank Fisher's picture

ASME IMECE 2008: Current Issues in Polymer Nanocomposites

The symposium "Current Issues in Polymer Nanocomposites" is being organized for the 2008 ASME IMECE Conference to be held at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA from October 31 - November 6. The symposium is Track 13-11 [corrected track number] and is co-sponsored by the Materials Division of ASME. General topics of interest for the symposium may include, but are not limited to:

* Consistency between experimental and computational studies on nanocomposites

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