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microstrctural evolution

danial_faghihi's picture

IMECE 2015 Symposium: Modeling and experimental characterization for the behavior of the micro/nanostructured thin films

 We would like to invite you to participate in a symposium on “Modeling and experimental characterization for the behavior of the micro/nanostructured thin films” in ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
November 13 – 19, 2015 
Houston, Texas. The deadline for abstract submission is March 2, 2015.


Danial Faghihi, Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences,UT Austin

Mogadalai Gururajan's picture

Going beyond 2D Neumann-Mullins (or, what is popularly known as, solving the beer froth structure)


The blogosphere is abuzz with the latest report of the generalisation of the von Neumann-Mullins grain growth relation to 3 (and N) dimensions by MacPherson and Srolovitz (As an interesting aside, almost all the reports say mathematical structure of beer foam structure resolved, or words to that effect --hence, I also decided to join the bandwagon on that one). I heard Prof. Srolovitz describe the work in a seminar nearly six months ago. Based on my notes of the talk, I would like the explain their work in this post. Curvature in the following refers to mean curvature (and not Gaussian).

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