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Aerospace engineering

Research Faculty Position in Digital Engineering - University of Texas at El Paso


The Aerospace Center at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) has a research faculty position in the area of Digital Engineering specifically for aerospace engineering development.  This position is currently funded for two years, but we expect either recurring funding or the possibility of moving into a full-time position.  We are looking for talented individuals with a solid background in CAD/CAE, numerical methods, and design methodologies.  In addition, machine learning and data science experience is valued.  Salary is competitive.

Michael A. McCarthy's picture

Professor (Chair) of Aerospace Engineering, University of Limerick

The University of Limerick (Ireland) is seeking candidates for the position of Professor of Aerospace Engineering.

Salary Scale: €120,262 - €154,506 p.a.

Areas of specialisation sought:Flight dynamics, aerospace control systems and/or aerospace vehicle design (“aerospace” here means spacecraft or aircraft, including UAVs and/or drones).

Justin Dirrenberger's picture

PhD scholarship available in computational mechanics at PIMM Lab in Paris, France

A PhD scholarship is available at PIMM laboratory to work on the topology optimization of lattice structures obtained by additive manufacturing.

See the file attached for description.

The successful candidate should have obtained a Master's degree (or equivalent) with a strong background in computational mechanics, materials science, mechanical engineering or any related field; although prior knowledge of the French language is not mandatory, spoken and written English proficiency is needed.

3 Tenure-Track Faculty Positions - AES at CU-Boulder

The Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado Boulder invites applications for three tenure-track faculty positions in the areas of structures and materials, small satellites, and bioastronautics. Applicants in structures and materials are especially sought with the following research interests: Design, modeling, fabrication, and characterization of structural and/or multi-functional materials and their integration into innovative aerospace systems; preference given to applicants with an experimental focus.

virginierollin85's picture

Several faculty positions at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL

The department of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL campus has several faculty positions open, at all levels. One area of interest is structures and materials, and more specifically composites. See attached document for furhter information and how to apply.

Assistant/Associate Professor vacancies in India

The Dept. of Aerospace Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT) seeks applications for Assistant/Associate Professor openings in the broad areas of Structural Mechanics, Aerodynamics, and Flight Mechanics and Control.  For more details, visit  Last date:7 May, 2012.


SIMULIA's picture

X-FEM for Abaqus (XFA) Toolkit for Automated Crack Onset and Growth Simulations

A software tool for automated crack onset and growth simulations based on the eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM) has been developed. For the first time, this tool is able to simulate arbitrary crack growth and composite delamination without remeshing. The automated tool is integrated with Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/CAE via the customization interfaces. It seamlessly works with the Commercial, Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Abaqus suite.

SIMULIA's picture

Superposition of Cohesive Elements to Account for R-Curve Toughening in the Fracture of Composites

The relationships between a resistance curve (R-curve), the corresponding fracture process zone length, the shape of the traction/displacement softening law, and the propagation of fracture are examined in the context of the through-the-thickness fracture of composite laminates. A procedure that accounts for R-curve toughening mechanisms by superposing bilinear cohesive elements is proposed.

SIMULIA's picture

Structural Design, Analysis, and Testing of an Expandable Lunar Habitat

ILC Dover, under contract by NASA Langley Research Center, and in cooperation with NASA Johnson Space Center is designing and manufacturing an expandable lunar habitat. This cylindrical habitat, or Engineering Development Unit (EDU), is a hybrid system with two hard end caps and a deployable softgoods section in the center. The softgood section packs into the endcaps and the unit roughly doubles in length upon deployment. The EDU is designed to demonstrate packing and deployment of an expandable habitat under expected loading conditions.

SIMULIA's picture

Preliminary Design of a Composite Wing-sail

An Abaqus/Standard FEA based study was carried out to develop a structural format for a wing sail used on a sailing boat, V-39 Albatross. As well as providing a novel structural solu-tion to meet a challenging set of requirements, the study has given the necessary mass properties and stiffness data required to further progress the preliminary design phase of the overall boat. The brief for the boat is to set a new world outright sailing speed record at Portland, UK.

SIMULIA's picture

Modelling of an Improvement Device for a Tension Test Machine in Crippling Tests

An analysis of the crippling test applied to thin profiles is considered in this paper by using a standard tension test machine. Crippling tests are compression tests leading to crush collapse. This kind of tests cannot be properly performed in the standard test machine because of an inefficient transmission of the compression load to the specimen. To accomplish a more accurate test an improvement device is designed and modelled. This proposed device consists of four symmetrically-arranged guides joining the two machine heads.

SIMULIA's picture

Modelling and Analysis of Welding Processes in Abaqus using the Virtual Fabrication Technology (VFT) Analysis Software developed

The ability to accurately model welding processes in order to predict residual stresses and distortions is becoming increasingly important in the engineering industry. Abaqus can be used to model the welding process but this has been found to be considerably time consuming and requires a large number of assumptions to be made. Virtual Fabrication Technology is an analysis software suite that is designed to allow Abaqus to accurately model complex welding procedures. It was developed by the Battelle Memorial Institute in conjunction with Caterpillar Incorporated in the USA.

SIMULIA's picture

Micromechanics-Based Structural Analysis (FEAMAC) and Multiscale Visualization within Abaqus/CAE Environment

A unified framework is presented that enables coupled multiscale analysis of composite structures and associated graphical pre and post processing within the Abaqus/CAE environment. The recently developed, free, Finite Element Analysis - Micromechanics Analysis Code (FEAMAC) software couples NASA's Micromechanics Analysis Code with Generalized Method of Cells (MAC/GMC) with Abaqus/Standard and /Explicit to perform micromechanics based FEA such that the nonlinear composite material response at each integration point is modeled at each increment by MAC/GMC.

SIMULIA's picture


Finite element analysis (FEA) of a composite overwrapped pressure vessel (COPV) has traditionally been a tedious and time consuming task. FEA is often omitted in the development of many vessels in favor of a “build and burst” philosophy based only on preliminary design with netting analysis. This is particularly true for small vessels or vessels that are not weight critical. The primary difficulty in FEA of a COPV is the creation of the model geometry on the sub-ply level.

SIMULIA's picture

Guidelines and Parameter Selection for the Simulation of Progressive Delamination

Turon’s methodology for determining optimal analysis parameters for the simulation of progressive delamination is reviewed. Recommended procedures for determining analysis parameters for efficient delamination growth predictions using the Abaqus/Standard cohesive element and relatively coarse meshes are provided for single and mixed-mode loading.

SIMULIA's picture

Full cycle stochastic analysis of composite structures under buckling loads

Structures in general are subject to uncertainty due to manufacturing, assembly, environment of work, loads, etc … This scatter more specifically is associated for example to tolerances of thickness, position, waviness, etc, material mechanical properties distribution, layup alignment axes. All these deviations can be taken into account with stochastic analysis to reduce the total cost of the project considering all the phases of product life (manufacturing, assembly, maintainability…) and make a global robust design.

SIMULIA's picture

A Finite Element Model for TBC Damage Detection and Lifetime Prediction

Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) have been used for almost three decades for heat insulation in high-temperature components to increase efficiency. Reliable diagnostic techniques that are practical to implement are needed to identify the location and severity of degradation in TBCs to protect against premature TBC failure. Luminescence spectroscopy has been utilized in detecting early damage, as it exhibits monotonic changes in the spectral characteristics with damage. Nevertheless there is still no agreement on what are the best spectral parameters that indicate damage.

SIMULIA's picture

Coupled Euler Lagrangian Approach Using Abaqus/Explicit in the Bird Strike Aircraft Damage Analysis

Bird impact damage in complex aircraft structure has been investigated using explicit transient dynamic analysis by Abaqus/Explicit in order to fully employ its large library of elements, material models and the ability of implementing user defined materials. The numerical procedure has been applied on the very detailed large airplane secondary structure consisting of sandwich, composite and metallic structural items that have been modeled with 3D, shell and continuum shell elements, coupled with appropriate kinematic constraints.

SIMULIA's picture

Analysis of Innovative Composite Aircraft Structures

Innovative composite structures are increasingly being used in the aircraft industry. A critical point of these new composite parts is the attachment to the surrounding aircraft structure. In cooperation between different EADS Business Units, a new advanced composite load introduction rib is developed to minimize weight and manufacturing costs. The new design of the flap focuses on the load introduction rib and drive fitting including the integrated lugs for the attachment to the flap support structure.

SIMULIA's picture

Advanced Finite Element Analysis for the Skyhook- Boeing HLV Aircraft

Boeing and Skyhook International entered into an agreement whereby Boeing will design and build two prototypes of the new Skyhook HLV aircraft. This hybrid airship is intended to carry 40 tons of cargo 100 miles. Due to the flexible, non-linear nature of fabric airship envelopes, as well as the complexity of designing a hybrid airship, the internal loads model for this aircraft is being developed in Abaqus and will be solved non-linearly.


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