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experimental mechanics

jyang526834's picture

Journal Club for March 2024: Unveiling Spatiotemporal Deformation and Dynamics of Soft Materials at Extremely High Rates through Laser-Induced Inertial Cavitation

Journal Club for March 2024: 


Unveiling Spatiotemporal Deformation and Dynamics of Soft Materials at Extremely High Rates through Laser-Induced Inertial Cavitation


Jin Yang*


Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,

The University of Texas at Austin

*Corresponding author. Email address:


Daniel Mulvihill's picture

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Mechanics & Tribology of Triboelectric Nanogenerators (University of Glasgow, UK)

The James Watt School of Engineering is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to contribute to/make a leading contribution to a large international EPSRC funded project looking at the physics and mechanics of triboelectric nanogenerators (or TENGs).  This position will focus on the mechanics and tribology of TENGs and will involve both experimental & modelling work. Of particular interest is modelling and experimental analysis aimed at understanding, predicting and optimising the contact area and charge transfer at triboelectric interfaces.

Juner Zhu's picture

Journal Club for February 2024: Mechanics in Solid-State Batteries: Mechanical Properties, Interfacial Failure, and Multiphysics Modeling

Journal Club for February 2024: Mechanics in Solid-State Batteries: Mechanical Properties, Interfacial Failure, and Multiphysics Modeling

Wei Li=, Ruqing Fang=, Junning Jiao, Juner Zhu*

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University

* Corresponding author:
= Authors with equal contributions to this article

1. General introduction

giulia scalet's picture

International Summer School "Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications"

Glad to share that the University of Pavia, together with Politecnico di Milano, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and University of Bologna, organizes the International Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications” within the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, from 1st to 5th July 2024 at Villa del Grumello (Como, Italy).

giulia scalet's picture

Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials" 1-5 July 2024


Save the date!

The University of Pavia, together with Politecnico di Milano, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and University of Bologna, organizes the International Summer School Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications within the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies.

marco.paggi's picture

10-year impact report - MUSAM Research Unit

On November 2023 the research unit MUSAM -Multi-scale Analysis of Materials-  at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca turns 10! 

To celebrate the contributions made to computational and experimental mechanics over the past 10 years, and to acknowledge the PhD students, researchers and visiting professors that have animated the research unit, I am pleased to share with you a 10-year impact report. 

I hope you might find it interesting and inspiring for future collaborations! 

PhD (4 years) on micromechanical testing and interface characterization of composites

We are looking for a PhD student for a research project on microscale mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced polymer composites using in-situ microscopic techniques. Much more fundamental insights and measurements at the micro-scale are necessary to enable fully predictive multi-scale modelling and faster adaptation of composites. Therefore, we have developed advanced micromechanical test methods for fibre reinforced polymer composites based on in-situ optical and electron microscopy during loading.

PhD (4 years) on micromechanical testing and interface characterization of composites

We are looking for a PhD student for a research project on microscale mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced polymer composites using in-situ microscopic techniques. Much more fundamental insights and measurements at the micro-scale are necessary to enable fully predictive multi-scale modelling and faster adaptation of composites. Therefore, we have developed advanced micromechanical test methods for fibre reinforced polymer composites based on in-situ optical and electron microscopy during loading.

Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Master's or PhD position for Fall 2023 on experimental mechanics

One MS or PhD student is sought to fill an opening in the Gross Materials Lab (group website: at the University of South Carolina. This research is focused on conducting novel mechanical experiments with advanced metrology. This research is primarily experimental and will integrate with the work of a postdoc working on computational methods to distill the multitudes of data into information that practicing engineers rely on. Students must have prior hands on experience to be considered (any prior experience is OK, whether it be in a lab, garage, shop, etc.).

PhD (4 years) on experimental characterization of textile materials and their connections

We are looking for a PhD student for a research project on textile modelling and characterization. In this project, the main purpose is to develop a multi-scale textile modelling framework that allows accurate simulation of textile manufacturing processes such as yarn unwinding from a bobbin, weft insertion during weaving, stitching and tufting. Besides a strong numerical research focus, there is also an experimental research track focusing on advanced mechanical testing of textile materials and their connections, both on lab-scale and industrial scale (e.g.

giulia scalet's picture

Research fellow position in mechanics of smart polymers for soft robotics

A research fellow position is available at University of Pavia in Italy starting February-May 2023. The position is part of a project in collaboration with Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Prof. Giulia Scalet (

jyang526834's picture

Funded PhD positions in experimental mechanics at UT-Austin

Position Description

The Yang Research Group (PI: Dr. Jin Yang) in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (ASE/EM) at the University of Texas at Austin has two funded Ph.D. positions in experimental solid mechanics starting in Spring 2023 (apply before Oct/01/22) or Fall 2023 (apply before Dec/01/22).



I) A bachelor’s or a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, engineering mechanics, materials science, bioengineering, or related fields is preferred.

Postdoc Position in Biomechanics & Mechanobiology at UT Austin

Description: We are looking for a motivated, kind, and supportive/supporting postdoc for our lab of ~12 PhD students, postdocs, and undergraduate students.

giulia scalet's picture

Postdoc position in 3D printing/bioprinting and experimental mechanics of smart materials

A postdoctoral position will be available at University of Pavia in Italy starting January 2023. The position will be part of an ERC Starting project. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr Giulia Scalet (

Mike Prime's picture

Residual short course at SEM conference

We will be teaching a short course on residual stress on June 12, 2022 at the SEM Experimental Mechanics conference in Pittsburgh. 

See below and (under PROGRAMS/COURSES) for details.

Residual stress short courses don't happen too often. The course should be appropriate for students, industrialists, and researchers. Hope you can make it. The proceeds all benefit SEM.


Residual Stress 101

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Academic post in Experimental Mechanics at the University of Southampton

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southampton is recruiting at Assistant/Associate Professor level in experimental solid mechanics. The application deadline is Jan. 19th 2022. More information is available here. This is an opportunity to join a very well equipped lab in the field of image-based mechanics with activities in a broad range of subjects. Some examples can be found on the PhotoDyn website.

jyang526834's picture

Participate in the DVC Challenge 2.0

Hi all,

We at iDICs (International Digital Image Correlation Society) are thrilled to invite you to join the most recent DVC (Digital Volume Correlation) challenge! The DVC Challenge 2.0 has two sub-challenges. The first part is an interlaboratory study on the temporal stability of laboratory X-ray Computed Tomography systems. The second part is to identify available experimental and synthetic images and develop a standardized set of high-quality and other challenging datasets from different imaging modalities, which will be further used for DVC code assessment.

Daniel Garcia-Gonzalez's picture

Experimental insights into magneto-mechanical rate dependences in MREs

Comprehensive experimental work on magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) just accepted in Composites Part B as part of our European Research Council project 4D-BIOMAP.

We provide more than 600 magneto-mechanical tests on an extremely soft elastomer (~1-20 kPa). The results show material stiffening of ~200 times for axial compression and ~10 times for shear mode. In addition, we conduct novel experiments providing unprecedented magneto-mechanical rate-dependent couplings.

Ryan C. Hurley's picture

Postdoc position in Experimental Mechanics of Geological Materials at Johns Hopkins University

A Postdoc position is available immediately in Professor Ryan Hurley’s laboratory ( in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute at the Johns Hopkins University.

behrad_koohbor's picture

SEM 2021: Shock & Blast - Abstract submission deadline extended to Nov. 9

Dear Colleagues, 


We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for the ‘Shock & Blast’ session under Track 1: Dynamic Behavior of Materials. This symposium is part of the 2021 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Virtual or Albuquerque, NM, USA, June 14-17, 2021).

Matt Pharr's picture

Journal Club for August 2020: Mechanics of High-capacity Rechargeable Batteries

Mechanics of High-capacity Rechargeable Batteries

Cole Fincher, Yuwei Zhang, Matt Pharr

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University


1. Introduction

Shuman_Xia's picture

Abstract Deadline Extended: SEM 2020 Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,


The SEM 2020 annual conference abstract deadline has been extended to Monday, October 28, 2019. Please see the Call for Abstracts below and consider submitting an abstract.


Sarah Bentil's picture

2020 Midwest Graduate Student Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Symposium


Dear Colleagues,
Iowa State University will be hosting the 2020 Midwest Graduate Student Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Symposium, on the weekend of March 7 and 8, 2020.


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