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digital image correlation

jyang526834's picture

Journal Club for March 2024: Unveiling Spatiotemporal Deformation and Dynamics of Soft Materials at Extremely High Rates through Laser-Induced Inertial Cavitation

Journal Club for March 2024: 


Unveiling Spatiotemporal Deformation and Dynamics of Soft Materials at Extremely High Rates through Laser-Induced Inertial Cavitation


Jin Yang*


Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,

The University of Texas at Austin

*Corresponding author. Email address:


PhD (4 years) on micromechanical testing and interface characterization of composites

We are looking for a PhD student for a research project on microscale mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced polymer composites using in-situ microscopic techniques. Much more fundamental insights and measurements at the micro-scale are necessary to enable fully predictive multi-scale modelling and faster adaptation of composites. Therefore, we have developed advanced micromechanical test methods for fibre reinforced polymer composites based on in-situ optical and electron microscopy during loading.

Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Master's or PhD position for Fall 2023 on experimental mechanics

One MS or PhD student is sought to fill an opening in the Gross Materials Lab (group website: at the University of South Carolina. This research is focused on conducting novel mechanical experiments with advanced metrology. This research is primarily experimental and will integrate with the work of a postdoc working on computational methods to distill the multitudes of data into information that practicing engineers rely on. Students must have prior hands on experience to be considered (any prior experience is OK, whether it be in a lab, garage, shop, etc.).

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Exciting new vacancy - MatchID US subsidiary

Given our substantial growth over the past few years, MatchID deems the time right to expand our horizon and evolve from a spin-off towards a truly international scaled-up company. To that purpose we will establish a US subsidiary that will not only give us a local physical presence, but also help convey more directly our philosophy to potential customers for a widespread range of applications and market verticals.

jyang526834's picture

Funded PhD positions in experimental mechanics at UT-Austin

Position Description

The Yang Research Group (PI: Dr. Jin Yang) in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (ASE/EM) at the University of Texas at Austin has two funded Ph.D. positions in experimental solid mechanics starting in Spring 2023 (apply before Oct/01/22) or Fall 2023 (apply before Dec/01/22).



I) A bachelor’s or a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, engineering mechanics, materials science, bioengineering, or related fields is preferred.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Academic post in Experimental Mechanics at the University of Southampton

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southampton is recruiting at Assistant/Associate Professor level in experimental solid mechanics. The application deadline is Jan. 19th 2022. More information is available here. This is an opportunity to join a very well equipped lab in the field of image-based mechanics with activities in a broad range of subjects. Some examples can be found on the PhotoDyn website.

Opening for Research Assistantship for doctoral studies

Prof. Vijay Chalivendra is looking for a student who is interested to pursue doctoral studies in his research lab at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, starting fall 2021. The applicant should have either completed Master's degree or is planning to graduate in May 2021 with Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. The preference will be given for a student who has research experience in experimental solid mechanics and published one or two peer-reviewed journal articles.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Industrial PhD studentship available (EU/UK students only), University of Southampton, UK

A PhD studentship is available at the University of Southampton as part of a collaboration with MatchID NV. It consists at exploring new heterogeneous test configurations for composites and elastomers, based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and the Virtual Fields Method (VFM). The overarching goal is to propose new standard tests relying on heterogeneous states of strain and stress for cheaper and more robust material testing.

pascal lava's picture

Business development and customer application engineer in digital image correlation at MatchID

A permanent position at MatchID - Metrology beyond colors- is open with a focus on digital image correlation, material identification and model validation.

 As a business development engineer you

Giorgio Carta's picture

Design of a porous material with isotropic negative Poisson's ratio

This paper proposes the design of a two-dimensional porous solid with omnidirectional negative Poisson's ratio. The hexagonal periodic distribution of the pores makes the effective behavior isotropic. Both experimental tests and numerical simulations have been performed to determine the effective properties of the porous solid. A parametric study on the effect of the geometrical microstructural parameters is also presented. This auxetic structure is easy to fabricate and can be very useful in several engineering applications.


PhD Student Position in Mechanical Properties of Materials at the Micron Scale

Job description: We are seeking innovative and highly motivated PhD candidates to join the FROG lab in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Ottawa.

pascal lava's picture

Third course on Digital Image Correlation






Fabrice Pierron's picture

3 year post-doctoral position available - High rate testing of materials

As part of my EPSRC Fellowship programme, I am now recruiting the second post-doctoral fellow associated with the project. I am looking for a talented young researcher with skills in experimental mechanics, particularly in the field of high rate testing of materials and high speed imaging for full-field deformation measurements. Informal enquiries can be made directly to me at, attaching a CV.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Last minute vacancy for Digital Image Correlation course

Following a late cancellation, we have one vacancy left for our one-week intensive course on Digital Image Correlation to be held in Ghent, Belgium, 12-16 January 2015. All details can be found on the course website.

Shuman_Xia's picture

Optical microscope for three-dimensional surface displacement and shape measurements at the microscale

We report a novel optical microscope for full-field, noncontact measurements of three-dimensional (3D) surface deformation and topography at the microscale. The microscope system is based on a seamless integration of the diffraction-assisted image correlation (DAIC) method with fluorescent microscopy. We experimentally demonstrate the microscope’s capability for 3D measurements with submicrometer spatial resolution and subpixel measurement accuracy.

c.tasan's picture

MSc, PhD and Post-doc Vacancies in Max-Planck Institute @ Dusseldorf, Germany

Openings at various levels are immediately available in Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research, for projects on experimental micro-mechanics and/or alloy design. The positions are in the group of Cem Tasan (Adaptive Structural Materials), in the Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design department of prof. Dierk Raabe.

For more details on the openings and the group, please visit

For more information regarding the institute, please visit 

PhD Studentship: In-situ quantification of interphase stress during martensitic transformations, Open University, UK

Fully funded PhD studentship at The Open Univeristy campus, Milton Keynes, UK. The aim of this project is to optimise experimental techniques such as digital image correlation (DIC) and focused ion beam (FIB) hole drilling to investigate the micro scale stresses and strains occurring during martensitic transformations. The techniques will be applied to a range of materials from simple steels to complex shape memory alloys. There will also be scope within the project to study martensitic alloys using central facilities such as the ILL, ESRF and Diamond light source.

Matlab-based Digital Image and Volume Correlation Simulators


I just posted a Matlab-GUI easy-to-use DIC and DVC simulator tool on our website ( for download for anyone that works with DIC or DVC. The purpose of these simulators is to simulate deformation fields based on a user provided image (2D) or volume (3D), and evaluate the correlation results with the analytical solutions to provide quantitative feedback on the "goodness" of the provided images for DIC or DVC purposes.

Feel free to use them for research, teaching, etc. We welcome any suggestions for improvements, etc.

Francois Barthelat's picture

Subset Splitting Digital Image Correlation (SSDIC)

Following our recent article on this new method, we are making our Matlab routines available. The package contains standard DIC, SSDIC, plus a few extras. More info here

“Subset Splitting Digital Image Correlation” (SSDIC) is based on DIC, but in addition SSDIC can capture displacement discontinuities near shear bands or cracks, where standard DIC fails.

chris's picture

Multi-Scale Digital Image Correlation and Tracking with MATLAB

C. Eberl, D. S. Gianola, R. J. Thompson (in alphabetic order)


With this contribution we would like to point to a free MATLAB tool which uses digital image correlation and tracking techniques to measure strain from a series of digital images. The code can be found on the ‘MATLAB central file exchange’ as well as the documentation, example images and some slides. We use the code on a daily basis for micro- and nanoscale measurements and present it here to be used and further developed by the community. Since it was posted at the end of september the code is now ranked place one or two in google and has been downloaded about 1000 times.

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