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Fan Xu's picture

Laser manipulated wrinkling patterns

Smart soft materials, because of their mechanical flexibility and quick response to multi-physics stimuli, have drawn considerable attention over the past few years. Here, we present controllable wrinkling patterns of a liquid crystal polymer film attached on a soft substrate, controlled by laser illumination that holds unique optical characteristics of high coherence and irradiance.

PhD Student Position in Mechanical Properties of Materials at the Micron Scale

Job description: We are seeking innovative and highly motivated PhD candidates to join the FROG lab in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Ottawa.

soheilsoghrati's picture

Postdoc Position in Computational Mechanics - Ohio State University

The Automated Computational Mechanics Laboratory (ACML) at The Ohio State University has an immediate opening for a one-year postdoctoral research associate position. The project is aimed at the application of the finite element method for simulating and optimizing the multiphysics laser ablation process in aircrafts. The optimization process involves characterizing the optimal laser parameters (e.g., peak power, fluence, intensity, etc.) to maximize the coating removal efficiency while minimizing damage to the substrate material.

Simulate moving laser beam on a plate in ANSYS

Hi everyone!

I've been trying ansys for a few weeks but in vain. I'm trying to inject a heat source(laser) on a 2D rect plate. I'm not sure on the corrct way to add the boundary conditions. This is what I do:

1. assuming room temp so i added 298K to the bottom, left and right using define loads >add_temp>lines i inject a heat source say 1000K using define loads>add_temp_on nodes to a few surface center nodes (meaning the top surface still have undefine boundary conditions)  

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