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Matlab-based Digital Image and Volume Correlation Simulators


I just posted a Matlab-GUI easy-to-use DIC and DVC simulator tool on our website ( for download for anyone that works with DIC or DVC. The purpose of these simulators is to simulate deformation fields based on a user provided image (2D) or volume (3D), and evaluate the correlation results with the analytical solutions to provide quantitative feedback on the "goodness" of the provided images for DIC or DVC purposes.

Feel free to use them for research, teaching, etc. We welcome any suggestions for improvements, etc.

Wenbin Yu's picture

New Release of General Purpose Micromechanics Code: VAMUCH 3.0

I am writing to let you know the release of VAMUCH 3.0,  the 3rd version of our general-purpose micromechanics code. The main new features are:

Wenbin Yu's picture

DNAD, a simple tool for automatic differentiation


I am writing to introduce DNAD, a Fortran module I wrote for automatic differentiation of analysis codes written in Fortran including those legacy codes written in Fortran 77. Although only implementation using Fortran 90/95 was carried out, it is straightward to translate it to a language you like such as c/c++.

Wenbin Yu's picture

GEBT, a general-purpose composite beam solver

Dear All,

I am writing to introduce to you a general-purpose composite beam solver, GEBT, which can capture all the geometrical nonlinearity obtainable by the six fundamental deformation modes (extension, torsion, bending in two directions, and shearing in two directions), and the coupling between these fundamental deformantion modes, such as extension-twist coupling commonly existing in initially twisted rotorblades. The features of GEBT are:

Free screen capture softwares for Win and Mac users

I'm writing this post cause it took me much time to find some free softwares that can record activities from screen for Windows and Mac systems. I use both OS at office and lab.

I'm doing some experiments. One is to measure the deformation of microcapsules, both loading curves and deforming capsules via a light microscope displaying on the screen; another is to observe the movement of nano/microcapsules in a cell. For both cases everything is displayed on the screen. I want to record them for kind of live show without using any external recorder and then converting clips.

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