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Line Spring elements errors

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Failure pressure for Steam generator tube having 2 axial cracks. I am following one paper in that paper they found failure pressure by finding J and K values for line spring elements for different pressure. The pressure at which it approach material JIC(92N/mm) and KIC(65Mpa*sqrt(m)) value is considered as failure pressure or coalescence pressus


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Impact Force plotting using Abaqus/Explicit

Hello Everyone

I am trying to simulate material dumping process from shovel onto mining dump truck. And for that i am using Abaqus/Explicit.  When i plot the contact force of material falling onto truck body under gravity, it gives me the maximum value of 0.12e+11, where as a simple theoretical analysis shows that the resulting impact force for 100 tons of material falling under gravity should be 9e5 N. I am not been able to understand the reason that why Abaqus /Explicit is exaggerating the impact/contact force so much. And i dont know how to correct this thing.

Finite Element Model of the Knee

Hello Everyone,

I recently started to do a project on a FE knee model. Right now, the only available software for me is SolidWorks which was originally purchased for CAD modelling. I was wondering if anyone knows whether SolidWorks FE feature is "good enough" for analyzing a knee model (and for other tissues just in case), or you recommend me to push my supervisor to purchase a license of a "Real" FE software such as ABAQUS. If you have any experience of FE modelling of tissues,bone,etc. I would appreciate if you help me out.

Parametric study- PSF file - XY plot

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Abaqus contacting thin membrane

Hello everyone,

I'm a beginner in Abaqus. I must simulate effect of water stream on thin membrane contactin with ground. Which element type do you suggest? Can STRI65 be a good option?

Thanks in advance



Sources for Learning Abacus

I need to learn Abacus for modeling impact dynamics of ductile plates. Can anyone recommend some tutorials, books, or courses that would be helpful?



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