Hello, I am a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, and at the moment I am studying the co-rotational formulation from Criesfield's books.
I am looking for applications of the corotational formulation in ABAQUS or MATLAB; my supervisor suggested me it could be done in ABAQUS through a User Defined Element Subroutine, but being a new user to this software I don't really know from where I should start.
Hello, I am a PhD student in Mechanical Engingeering.
I am currently studying the co-rotational formulation, following the theory on Crisfield's books. The next step in my project would be to apply the corotational formulation for the simulation of a beam, and my supervisor suggested me this could be done in ABAQUS through a User Defined Element Subroutine.
I have implemented a 2D co-rotational truss formulation in matlab. I get identical results to OpenSEES.
Now I'm trying to implement a 2D co-rotational beam formulation. I have followed the simple formulation in Crisfield's book volume 1. It seems like this should be a fairly straight forward extension of the truss formulation. I have rederived everything Crisfield has done and obtained the same results, yet something is still incorrect.
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