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Postdoc position on digital twins for machines and structures

Are you interested in developing Digital Twin technology for machines and structures? Do you have experience with virtual/hybrid testing and/or structural health monitoring? Are you eager to bridge the gap between structural engineering and cyber-physical system engineering? Then the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering invites you to apply for a 1.0-year Postdoc position funded by the IFD project “Cyber-physical systems for machines and structures – CP-SENS.”

Expected start date and duration of employment

zhujg's picture

Postdoc Positions at Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China

Postdoc positions are available in the group of Prof. JG Zhu at Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China. Those possessing PhDs in the area of solid experimental mechanics are sought. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience in artificial intelligence on experimental measurements and nondestructive techniques.

PhD/postdoc vacancy (4 years) on Ultrasonic assessment of the structural health of Lined Pipelines transporting heavy acids

Transportation of heavy acidic fluids is often done with specifically designed lined pipelines. The pipelines typically have an outer steel wall (thickness ~15 mm) and an inner ceramic coating (thickness ~1 mm). The proper functioning of such lined pipelines is almost exclusively determined by the inner ceramic coating. In case there would be a leak in the ceramic coating, the acidic fluid will corrode through the outer steel wall in a matter of hours, leading to a full shutdown of the industrial plant.

yann.charles's picture

PhD position / La Rochelle - France

A PhD position is available at LaSie (La Rochelle University, France), until oct. 2019.

The work will be dedicated to the caracterisation (numercial and experimental) of the effect of grains boundary on the Hydrogen diffusion in Nickel polycrystals.

Please send your resume and application letter to:

J. Bouhattate (

Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin's picture

Release of VEMLab v2.2.1 (now it runs in Octave!)

VEMLab: a MATLAB library for the virtual element method


Release of VEMLab v2.2.1

>>  From VEMLab v2.2 to VEMLab v2.2.1:

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

New release of Abaqus2Matlab: GUI, reading .odb and much more!

A2M GUI interface 

Dear imechanicians,

A new version of Abaqus2Matlab has just been released and I hope that it is of interest to you.

This new release constitutes a very significant step forward in the development of this well-known software to connect Abaqus and Matlab.

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Gradient plasticity crack tip characterization by means of the extended finite element method (MATLAB code included)

I hope some of you may find this work interesting, the X-FEM non-linear code developed (incorporating linear elasticity, J2 plasticity, and Strain Gradient Plasticity) can be downloaded from

Gradient plasticity crack tip characterization by means of the extended finite element method

Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, Sundararajan Natarajan, Stéphane Bordas

Computational Mechanics (2017)

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Abaqus2Matlab: A suitable tool for finite element post-processing

A new piece of software has been presented that connects the well-known FE code Abaqus with Matlab. The source code, detailed documentation and a large number of tutorials can be freely downloaded from 

Some interesting applications are addressed in the associated journal article: (a pre-print is available at

Jie-Hua Zhao's picture

FEM Job Opportunity at Apple

We are looking for a self-motivated individual who is proficient in FEM simulation with multi-year hands-on experience of FEM software ASNSY or ABAQUS. The individual should also be an expert programer of numerical simulation tools, such as Matlab and Python.

Key Qualifications 

Dario Schiano Moriello's picture

Application of Corotational Formulation

Hello,  I am a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, and at the moment I am studying the co-rotational formulation from Criesfield's books.

I am looking for applications of the corotational formulation in ABAQUS or MATLAB; my supervisor suggested me it could be done in ABAQUS through a User Defined Element Subroutine, but being a new user to this software I don't really know from where I should start.

How to copy particular results from a text file to another in Matlab

!!!Hii every body!!! Wish you all a very good day!

I am searching for opinions how to copy particular results from one text files to anothers. (You may assume I have a text files , unformatted, like a paragraph, and then starts 3 rows and 2 columns numeric values. I have to delete all the characters/strings, just want those 3rows and 2 cols; or copy those 3rows and 2 cols, anyway... I want to extract those via Matlab). I know it may be stupid question nut I am confused :p :-)

Thanks in adv...

matlab code to create cohesive elements (or UMAT) in any 2D mesh

To use cohesive elements, normally user can add a layer of elements between neighbouring node pairs. This matlab code can help you to process that especially your FE mesh is irregular. The code, the initial .inp file and corresponding out put files are attached for a better illustration. The new generated cohesive elements won't cause any trouble in the element number. Also you can apply this code to generate new UMAT elements in mesh.


eng.femiran's picture

how to link abaqus with matlab ?

You should access the abaqus results (*.fil) file via MATLAB.
In order to take your results into a fil file you should specify *FILE FORMAT, ASCII along with *EL FILE and/or *NODE FILE, etc. options in your abaqus input file (assuming that you run Abaqus/Standard).

Post-doctoral Associate in brain biomechanics, medical imaging

Post-doctoral Associate in brain biomechanics is available at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH


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please help me to solve mechanical engineering design problem of rolling contact bearing with matlab. thank u so much.

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials now accepts MATLAB figure files

You can enrich your online articles by providing supplementary MATLAB figure files with the .FIG file extension. These files will be visualized using an interactive viewer that allows readers to explore your figures within the context of the article. The FIG files can be uploaded in our online submission system, and will also be available for downloading from your online article on SciVerse ScienceDirect.

Your preferences in scientific/engineering/numerical programming

Hello everyone,

I am working on a project related to helping the everyday researcher do his/her programming easier and faster.

I have done a fair amount of research work at OSU and have gotten a feel for the way they program on a daily basis, but realize that it could be and probably is drastically different on different parts of the planet. As such, I am here to ask the following questions (really, any opinion helps, so feel free to respond with whatever you want):

Simple Cell Traction Force Script for Elastic Micropatterned Substrata

Hi readers, 

 This is MATLAB code that was written by myself and collaborators that we've sought to make available to the wider research community. The program is intended to track the displacements of micropatterned dots on a substrate in a similar manner to that performed by  Maloney et al. in "Influence of Finite Thickness on cellular adhesion-induced deformation of an compliant substrata". Physical Review E. 2008.

MATLAB for thermal simulation

I'm currently studying FEA/CFD and BEM for thermal simulation of custom dies within custom package mounted on custom PCB with encapsulate material (epoxy). I getting familar with CFD concept which seem overkill from ANSYS IcePack (too expensive) but exploring BEM technology from E3D in france (via Vishay).

I have access to MATLAB from other company to try it out for thermal modelling (BEM).

Open-source finite element code

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to let those interested in Matlab finite element development and educational environments that the successor to the SOFEA toolkit is now available at

The toolkit now provides in addition to thermal and stress analysis (static and dynamic) also sample simulations from other fields, such as acoustics, nonlinear heat conduction analysis, electrostatics, small-strain plasticity, .... The toolkit now also includes an implementation of the Nodally Integrated Continuum Elements (NICE) which are quite effective for nearly incompressible mechanics problems.

The toolkit and the accompanying textbook are open-source and freely available. The book is also available in print.

felipecardenas's picture

Had somebody implemented the MMA or GCMMA algorithm (Svanberg) in the 99 lines Topology Optimization Matlab code(Sigmund)?

Hello everybody,

 I need some help. I have a lot of problems trying to implement the MMA or GCMMA optimizer in the Sigmund's Topology Optimization code (99 lines). Have you ever do that?. Please, is very important for my pregraduate thesis.


 Felipe Cárdenas Díaz

Universidad de Concepción - Chile

Seeking a postdoctoral position in computational mechanics / applied physics / ultrasonic engineering

I am very interested in a postdoctoral position in computational mechanics, ultrasonics, applied physics, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering. I am proficient in FEM, FDTD, Moments methods. Experienced in ultrasonic measurements that involve ferroelectric crystals, thin films, periodic structures.  Please see attached resume.

Macro in Hypermesh TCL code and Matlab

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Hi all,

I need to create a macro in Hypermesh with a TCL programming code. I have two problems. I've had the code yet, but It's written in Matlab code, I've heard that TCL can talk to Matlab by DDE. The second problem is that I don't know anything about TCL code. Anyone can help me, anyway?


Many thanks 


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