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Petr Krysl's blog

Open source Matlab toolkit now includes 3-D beam elements

The FAESOR toolkit now incorporates a linear and geometrically nonlinear formulation of three-dimensional beams. Some updates and fixes have also been posted.

Open-source finite element code

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to let those interested in Matlab finite element development and educational environments that the successor to the SOFEA toolkit is now available at

The toolkit now provides in addition to thermal and stress analysis (static and dynamic) also sample simulations from other fields, such as acoustics, nonlinear heat conduction analysis, electrostatics, small-strain plasticity, .... The toolkit now also includes an implementation of the Nodally Integrated Continuum Elements (NICE) which are quite effective for nearly incompressible mechanics problems.

The toolkit and the accompanying textbook are open-source and freely available. The book is also available in print.

Postdoc position in Bioacoustics

Postdoc position is currently open in my group. The research revolves around bioacoustics of marine animals (mammals and fish). The goal is to understand the mechanics of sound production and hearing. Research directions include formulation of specialized finite element models for biological materials, mesh generation from biomedical images, and models for attenuation in tissues. Funding is available for at least one year. Contact:

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