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Course on V&VUQ of Computational Modeling of Materials and Structures

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Dear Members of the Mechanics and Materials Communities,

You may have known about the efforts of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) program of the National Science Foundation on revitalizing the practice of verification and validation (V&V) of computational models as a rigorous and indispensable step in the scientific investigative process.

In this regard, the program supported a preliminary fact-finding workshop in 2018 (, a detailed study based on the workshop findings on broader implementation in 2019-20 (, and a webinar series based on the study in 2020 ( In the latest edition of these efforts, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society is offering this 3-day course entitled Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification of Computational Modeling of Materials and Structures on August 2-4, 2021 ( It will be great if you or your student could attend.

Best Regards,

Siddiq Qidwai
Program Director
Mechanics of Materials and Structures Program
National Science Foundation

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