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isogeometric methods

Opening for two new Ph.D. students in the Computational Mechanics group, The University of Iowa.

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The Computational Mechanics group at The University of Iowa, led by Professor S. Rahman, is looking for two new Ph.D. students, who are capable of and interested in performing high-quality research on isogeometric methods and uncertainty quantification. The research, supported by U.S. National Science Foundation, requires building a solid mathematical foundation, devising efficient numerical algorithms, and developing practical computational tools, all associated with stochastic isogeometric analysis of complex materials and structures. A substantial background in solid mechanics with coding experience in finite-element or similar methods is a must; exposures to uncertainty quantification and probabilistic methods are highly desirable.

Opening for two new Ph.D. students in the Computational Mechanics group, The University of Iowa.

The Computational Mechanics group at The University of Iowa, led by Professor S. Rahman, is looking for two new Ph.D. students, who are capable of and interested in performing high-quality research on isogeometric methods and uncertainty quantification. The research, supported by U.S. National Science Foundation, requires building a solid mathematical foundation, devising efficient numerical algorithms, and developing practical computational tools, all associated with stochastic isogeometric analysis of complex materials and structures. A substantial background in solid mechanics with coding experience in finite-element or similar methods is a must; exposures to uncertainty quantification and probabilistic methods are highly desirable.

Laura De Lorenzis's picture

Post-Doc positions at the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy, within ERC StG Project "Interfaces"

3 Post-Doc positions are available at the Department of Innovation Engineering at the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy. Funding is provided by the ERC Starting Researcher Grant project "INTERFACES - Mechanical Modeling of Interfaces in Advanced Materials and Structures". The topics are related to computational methods for interface modeling, isogeometric analysis, and mutlscale methods.

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