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post doc

mwkeller's picture

Post Doc Position in High Temperature Mechanics for Solar Energy

The University of Tulsa (TU) Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to support our recently awarded U.S. Department of Energy SunShot award for GEN3 CSP Collectors

Francois Barthelat's picture

Postdoctoral position in mechanics of architectured materials

The Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration ( at McGill University has a new opening for a Post-doctoral researcher with a strong background in mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics and experimental mechanics.

Dibakar Datta's picture

Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Pennsylvania :: Modeling of nanomaterials and soft materials

 A postdoctoral position with primary focus on molecular dynamics simulations is available immediately at Shenoy Research Group  under the direction of Prof. Vivek B. Shenoy .  We are looking for a strongly motivated candidate to work on modeling of nanomaterials and soft materials. The ideal candidate will have a background in materials science/computational physics with expertise in molecular dynamics simulations with LAMMPS or other packages.  This individual will have the opportunity to be directly involved in complimentary experimental investigations, both at Penn and our collaborators in industry. 

Postdoctoral Positions at Univ. of Texas at Austin, Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering

Dr. Mukul Sharma, Professor in Dept. of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin is seeking to fill two Postdoctoral Positions.

pattabhib's picture

Post-Doc position in the area of Computational Mechanics, Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus Uni. Weimar

We are looking for a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the area of Computational Mechanics. The position is available within the Institute of Structural Mechanics, chair of Computational Mechanics at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany. The key research areas of the chair of Computational Mechanics are Multiscale Modeling of Materials and Isogeometric Analysis.

pleu's picture

Graduate Student and Postdoc opening

The Laboratory for Advanced Materials at Pittsburgh has openings for
one graduate student and one postdoctoral research fellow for 2011.
Interested applicants should send their materials to Professor Paul W.
Leu at

------Graduate Students Openings------

Post-doctoral position at Univ. Pittsburgh: soft tissue buckling

A post-doctoral position is available in the lab of Sachin Velankar at the University of Pittsburgh to conduct experimental research on buckling of soft tissues in cephalopods (octopus or cuttlefish).

Post-doc Newton Fellowship

Dear all,


Below is an opportunity to apply for post-doctoral positions in the UK for two years if you are not currently working in the UK. I am currently looking for candidates with expertise in computational mechanics to complement the work being performed by 4 to 5 Ph.D. students in areas related to: (1) fracture mechanics (2) surgical simulation (3) multiphysics and multiscale modelling of fracture in materials with complex architectures. Please contact me if you are interested stephane dot bordas at gmail dot com

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