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Yaning Li's blog

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Ph. D and Postdoc Positions in Northeastern University, Boston

Ph. D positions are open with starting dates of Fall 2025, in ‘Mechanics, Biomimetic, and 3D/4D Printing’ research lab in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) at Northeastern University, Boston.

A Postdoc position is open as well and can start any time.

The students and researchers will work on research projects related to the mechanics of new materials, including architected materials, additive manufactured materials, under the instruction of Professor Yaning Li.

Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D and Post-doc positions at Northeastern University

Ph.D and Postdoc positions are available in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Priting lab at Northeastern University, Boston. Candidates will background in mechanics, materials, finite element analysis are all welcome to apply. 

Applicants can send the CV directly to Prof. Yaning Li 


Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D and Post-doc positions at Northeastern University

Ph.D and Postdoc positions are available in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Priting lab at Northeastern University, Boston. Candidates will background in mechanics, materials, finite element analysis are all welcome to apply. 

Applicants can send the CV directly to Prof. Yaning Li 




Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D and Post-doc positions open at Northeastern University, Boston

Ph.D position is available for Fall 2023 on mechanics of mechanical metamaterials, bio-inspired engineering, and additive manufacturing (3D/4D printing). Candidates with background in mechanics of materials, Finite element analysis, and mechanical experiments are all welcome to apply. Earlier admission (starting from the summer) is also possible. It is a position in the department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston.

Yaning Li's picture

One Postdoc and One Ph.D Positions Open at Northeastern University, Boston

One Ph.D and one Post-doc positions are open now in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (Mechanics, Biomimetics and 3D/4D Printing Research Lab) at Northeastern University.

The research projects are related to computational and/or experimental mechanics of new mechanical metamaterials, bio-inspired materials, and 3D/4D printing. Candidates with background in solid and structure mechanics, materials science and engineering, Finite element simulations, mechanical experiments etc. are all welcome to apply.

Yaning Li's picture

Journal Club for December 2021: Bio-Inspired 3D Printed Sutures Under Shear

Bio-Inspired 3D Printed Sutures under Shear

Richard Nash and Yaning Li*

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, MA


Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D positions on Mechanics of Materials, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing


Ph.D positions now open (for Fall 2020) in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing Lab at Northeastern University/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department. More information about the lab can be found at

Please directly send CV to Prof. Yaning Li at:  


Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D positions on Mechanics of Materials, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing


Ph.D positions now open (for Fall 2020) in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing Lab at Northeastern University/Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department. More information about the lab can be found at

If interested, please directly send CV to Prof. Yaning Li at:  


Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D and Post-doc positions in Northeastern University, Boston

Ph.D and Post-doc positions are now open in the Department of Mechanial and Industry Engineering (Mechanics, Biomimetics and 3D printing Lab)  at Northeastern University. Students and researchers with background in solid and structure mechanics, materials science and engineering are welcome to apply! 

If interested, please directly email CV to Professor Yaning Li:


Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D and Post-doc positions in Northeastern University, Boston

Ph.D and Post-doc positions are now open in the Department of Mechanial and Industry Engineering (Mechanics, Biomimetics and 3D printing Lab)  at Northeastern University. Students and researchers with background in solid and structure mechanics, materials science and engineering are welcome to apply! 

Please directly email CV to Professor Yaning Li:

Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D and Post-doc Positions Open


Ph.D and Postdoc positions now open (for Fall 2019) in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing Lab at the University of New Hampshire/Mechanical Engineering Department.

More information about the lab can be found at

Please directly send CV to Prof. Yaning Li at:  

Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D positions open at UNH

Ph.D positions now open (for Fall 2019) in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing Lab at the University of New Hampshire/Mechanical Engineering Department.

More information about the lab can be found at

The projects are supported by NSF and AFOSR.

Please directly send CV to Prof. Yaning Li at:  

Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D and Post-doc positions open

Ph.D positions now open (for Fall 2019) in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing Lab at the University of New Hampshire (UNH)/Mechanical Engineering Department.

More information about the lab can be found at

Please directly send CV to Prof. Yaning Li at:  


Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D positions open at UNH

Ph.D positions now open (for Fall 2019) in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing Lab at the University of New Hampshire/Mechanical Engineering Department.

More information about the lab can be found at

The projects are supported by NSF and AFOSR.

Please directly send CV to Prof. Yaning Li at:  

Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D and Post-doc Positions Open

Ph.D and Post-doc positions are open in 'Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing' lab at the University of New Hampshire.

For application, please directly send CV to:

More information can be found at:

Yaning Li's picture

Post-doc and Ph. D positions open

one Post-doc and one Ph.D positions are open in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing lab at the University of New Hampshire.

More information can be found at:

For application, please directly send CV to

Yaning Li's picture

Post-doc position open


One Post-doc position is open in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Printing lab at the University of New Hampshire.

More information can be found at

Please contact Prof. Yaning Li at



Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D position: Mechanics and 3D Printing

Level: Ph.D, start from Fall 2018
When: Apply Now by sending CV to
Fellowship: Deadline 02/25/2018.  (again directly sending CV to
Project: NSF/CAREER award on Chiral Auxetic Composites

Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D position: Mechanics and 3D Printing

Level: Ph.D, start from Fall 2018

When: Apply Now by sending CV to

Fellowship: Deadline 02/25/2018.  (again directly sending CV to

Project: NSF/CAREER award on Chiral Auxetic Composites

Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D position in Mechanics of Materials

One Ph.D position is open for Fall 2018 in Mechanical Engineering at the Univesrity of New Hampshire.


The student will work on the NSF/CAREER project on Mechanics of Chiral Auxetic Mechanical Metamaterials.

(theory, finite element simulations, 3D printing, and mechanical experiments)


The candidate will also have opportunity to apply for the CEPS fellowship. 


More information can be found at

Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D position on Mechanics of Materials

One Ph.D position is open for Fall 2018 in Mechanical Engineering at the Univesrity of New Hampshire.

The student will work on the NSF/CAREER project on Mechanics of Chiral Auxetic Mechanical Metamaterials (theory, finite element simulations, 3D printing and mechanical experiments).

The candidate will also have opportunity to apply for the CEPS fellowship. 

More information can be found at

Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D position in Mechanics of Materials

Two Ph.D positions are open for Fall 2018 in Mechanical Engineering at the Univesrity of New Hampshire.

The student will work on the NSF/CAREER project on Mechanics of Chiral Auxetic Mechanical Metamaterials.

(theory, finite element simulations, 3D printing, and mechanical experiments)

The candidate will also have opportunity to apply for the CEPS fellowship. 

More information can be found at

Yaning Li's picture

PhD position in Mechanics of Solids and Structures for Fall 2017


A Ph.D position in mechanics of solids and structures is now open for Fall 2017 in Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of New Hampshire. We are looking for highly motivatied students to work on NSF and DoD projects.

The applicant is also qualified for applying for a one-year Fellowship.

Please contact Professor Yaning Li for details.




Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D positions open


Positions of two Ph.D students are now open for Spring and Fall 2017 in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of New Hampshire (UNH).

We are looking for enthusiastic and self-motivated candidates who are experienced in mechanics of materials, bio-inspired engineering and 3D printing.

Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D student and Post-doc researcher are needed

Positions of one Ph.D student and one Post-doc researcher are now open in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) to work on NSF and DoD funded projects. We are looking for enthusiastic and self-motivated candidates who are experienced in solid and structural mechanics, composites, and materials science. Specifically, candidates with experience in one or more of the following areas are encouraged to apply:

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