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Adhesion and fracture; adhesion; contact mechanics; friction; viscoelasticity

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Enhancement of adhesion strength through microvibrations: Modeling and experiments

AbstractHigh-frequency micrometrical vibrations have been shown to greatly influence the adhesive performance of soft interfaces, however a detailed comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results is still missing. Here, the problem of a rigid spherical indenter, hung on a soft spring, that is unloaded from an adhesive viscoelastic vibrating substrate is considered. The experimental tests were performed by unloading a borosilicate glass lens from a soft PDMS substrate excited by high-frequency micrometrical vibrations.

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Friction in Rolling a Cylinder on or Under a Viscoelastic Substrate with Adhesion

In classical experiments, it has been found that a rigid cylinder can roll both on and under an inclined rubber plane with a friction force that depends on a power law of velocity, independent of the sign of the normal force. Further, contact area increases significantly with velocity with a related power law.

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Viscoelastic increase of detachment stress of a rigid punch from adhesive soft viscoelastic layers

The problem of the detachment of a sufficiently large flat indenter from a plane adhesive viscoelastic strip of thickness “b” is studied. For any given retraction speed, three different detachment regimes are found: (i) for very small “b” the detachment stress is constant and equal to the theoretical strength of the interface, (ii) for intermediate values of “b” the detachment stress decays approximately as b−1/2, (iii) for thick layers a constant detachment stress is obtained corresponding to case the punch is detaching from a halfplane.

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Viscoelastic dissipation in repeated normal indentation of an Hertzian profile

Simple exact solutions are known for the indentation problem of a viscoelastic halfspace by a rigid sphere only as long as the contact area is growing. We consider instead a more general cyclic repeated indentation with a pulsating load with a period of zero load. We show that a combination of exact with empirical relaxation solutions coming from simple uniaxial cases is sufficiently accurate to estimate the energy dissipated per cycle, which we report for the standard ”3-elements” solid and periodic half-sine loading for various parameters.

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Viscoelastic normal indentation of nominally flat randomly rough contacts

Viscoelastic materials are receiving increasing attention in soft robots and pressure sensitive adhesives design, but also in passive damping techniques in automotive and aerospace industry. Here, by using the correspondence principle originally developed by Lee and Radok and further extended by Ting and Greenwood, we transform the elastic solutions of Persson for contact of nominally flat but randomly rough surfaces to viscoelastic indentation. As an example, the cases of step loading and of the response to a single cycle of harmonic loading are studied.

Antonio Papangelo's picture

On the Interaction of Viscoelasticity and Waviness in Enhancing the Pull-Off Force in Sphere/Flat Contacts

Motivated by roughness-induced adhesion enhancement (toughening and strengthening) in low modulus materials, we study the detachment of a sphere from a substrate in the presence of both viscoelastic dissipation at the contact edge, and roughness in the form of a single axisymmetric waviness. We show that the roughness-induced enhancement found by Guduru and coworkers for the elastic case (i.e. at very small detachment speeds) tends to disappear with increasing speeds, where the viscoelastic effect dominates and the problem approaches that of a smooth sphere.

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Adhesion enhancement in a dimpled surface with axisymmetric waviness and rate-dependent work of adhesion

Surfaces showing macroscopic adhesion are rare in industry, but are abundant in Nature. Adhesion enhancement has been discussed mostly with geometrical systems (e.g. patterned surfaces), more rarely with viscoelasticity, and has the goal of increasing hysteresis and the detachment force at separation. Soft materials are common, and these have viscoelastic properties that result in rate-dependent increase of toughness.

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